The Ikigai philosophy in the longevity of companies

When the topic is ikigai, thoughts about the topic in companies are not uncommon
A filosofia Ikigai na longevidade das empresas
Ikigai is made up of four parts. Get to know each of them. Photo: Disclosure

Ikigai is a word of Japanese origin that refers to the search for the reason why an individual exists or has longevity. There is a vast literature on the subject, the origin of the term and other information.

In short, and far from requiring the status of an expert on the subject, ikigai is made up of four parts: something we like to do, something we are recognized as competent in doing, something we are paid for doing and something that is good for humanity , to the world.

Usually, we manage to meet the first three longevity requirements and this is already a great reason for joy. The fourth is much more difficult.

When the topic is ikigai, thoughts about the topic in companies are not uncommon, that is, the reason for them. The reason for its longevity.

And here, I talk about the photovoltaic segment, which can meet the fourth starting requirement. Working in the solar energy market is a gift, we all have the chance to do good for humanity, for the world.

Just to mention, the other three requirements would be normal for any company to continue existing. But what about this fourth requirement, which seems to have been given as a gift to companies in our segment, will it last forever?

In the local market, business volumes are growing and vigorous. Products with questionable quality, without meeting important safety requirements, circulate without limits.

If seeking longevity is an expectation for human beings, it is also an expectation for companies. But to do so, we, players in this market, have to work with the correct attitude and direction. Safety and quality come first.

Healthy competition yes, but taking care that the gift received of being able to act for the good of humanity, to make a positive difference to the world we live in, is not thrown in the trash. I wish longevity to the photovoltaic segment and all its players.

Picture of Milton Hanayama
Milton Hanayama
Electronic Engineer from the Technological Institute of Aeronautics (ITA) and Director of Technology at Renovigi Energia Solar.

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