ABSOLAR will hold an event in MT to discuss market expansion

The event will feature panel debates and lectures on advances in solar energy in the region and in Brazil
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ABSOLAR realiza encontro em Mato Grosso para debater expansão do mercado
ABSOLAR Meeting Centro-Oeste will be held on May 11th in Cuiabá (MT). Photo: Disclosure

A ABSOLATE (Brazilian Photovoltaic Solar Energy Association) will meet at May 11th, in Cuiabá (MT), entrepreneurs, consultants, public authorities and experts for a debate circle about advances and challenges in solar energy in the state.

A proposal of ABSOLAR Meeting Midwest, which has the fintech Meu Financiamento Solar as host, is collaborate with companies in generating new business and professional updating, as well as expand relationships and networking between suppliers, integrators, manufacturers and customers that make up the solar energy production chain.  

During the event, there will also be organized debate panels and lectures with professionals about the advances in solar energy in the region and in Brazil, economic, environmental and social development from photovoltaic sources, project financing models and the advancement of entrepreneurship in the segment, among others. Activities take place from 9am to 6pm.

The meeting has a discount for ABSOLAR members and will be open to the general public with a participation fee of R$ 170 for face-to-face editing and is free for online participants. Registration and more information can be found here link.

According to data from the Association, its own generation of solar energy has already enabled Mato Grosso to attract more than R$ 5.3 billion in investments, generate more than 31.7 thousand jobs and collect more than R$ 1.4 billion from public safes. The state also recently surpassed the 1 GW mark in operation in distributed solar generation.   


ABSOLAR Meeting Midwest

Date: may 11;

Time: from 9am to 6pm;

Local: headquarters of Fecomércio-MT, at Avenida Historiador Rubens de Mendonça, 3.501 – Centro Político Administrativo, Cuiabá – MT.

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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