ANEEL closes public consultation on consolidating consumer rights

The deadline for suggestions recorded in the publication is Monday (4)
ANEEL encerra consulta pública sobre consolidação dos direitos dos consumidores

ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency) closes on Monday (4), the deadline for sending contributions to the second phase of Public Consultation No. 18/2021.

The consultation deals with the consolidation of normative acts relating to the duties and rights of consumers and other users of the public electricity distribution service.

During the first phase of the consultation, more than 2,000 contributions were received, the second highest number of contributions that an Agency Public Consultation has received in the last nine years.

Read too: ANEEL proposes consolidation of consumer rights

According to the Agency, the most relevant aspects for the second phase are: 

  • the calculation methodology for monetary compensation for failure to meet deadlines and undue suspension; 
  • double refund in case of undue charge; 
  • compensation for electrical damages; deadlines for carrying out works to connect to the electricity grid; 
  • the adequacy of deadlines in cases where the billing is greater than that due under consumer law.

For more information on the main points of the public consultation Click here.

Picture of Redação do Canal Solar
Redação do Canal Solar
Text produced by Canal Solar journalists.

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