ANEEL targets battery technologies to boost the electricity sector

ANEEL also expressed concern about creating competition in this market
ANEEL mira tecnologias de baterias para fomentar setor elétrico

The use of batteries and other electricity storage systems entered the radar of ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency), which decided to open an initial discussion on how to adjust regulation to allow the insertion of these technologies into Brazil's electrical system.

The initiative follows projections of strong global expansion of lithium-ion batteries and comes at a time when companies including the North American AES, the Norwegian oil company Equinor and the ISA transmission company Cteep, from the Colombian group ISA, are showing interest in enabling business in the Brazil with solutions that allow energy to be stored.

ANEEL approved the opening of a 90-day consultation process to hear companies and agents in the energy sector about regulatory adjustments necessary to encourage the adoption of these systems.

In a note, the agency said that the challenge is to adapt sectoral policy and regulation so that it is possible for holders of storage technologies to monetize the service they provide, contesting, competing with, or even working in an integrated way with traditional supply resources. and demand.

ANEEL also expressed concern about creating competition in this market. “Direct installation by regulated natural transmission and distribution monopolies must be limited and monitored by regulators, with the aim of avoiding abuse of a dominant position”, pointed out agency technicians.

They suggested that research projects and pilots in the area should be encouraged to test technologies and evaluate what services could be provided to consumers by storage systems.

Most used technologies in the world

According to a survey by ANEEL, the most used technology in the world at the moment to store energy is the construction of reversible hydroelectric plants. Lithium-ion batteries are seen as the ones that will gain more space in the coming years due to the sharp price reduction, from 85% between 2010 and 2018.

A preliminary analysis by the agency points out that batteries could be used to encourage the insertion of renewables, reduce system operating costs and provide energy as back-up, in addition to being able to postpone investments in networks or alleviate points of congestion in the electrical system, among others. other applications.

According to data from the IEA (International Energy Agency), a sustainable development scenario could generate a market of approximately 600 GW in opportunities for batteries alone by 2040.

These installations would range from batteries for electric cars to applications in distribution and transmission networks and storage systems associated with photovoltaic equipment or other intermittent sources, such as wind turbines.

Advantages of energy storage

For Shawn Qu, CEO of Canadian Solar, storage technology will be a critical enabler of the solar PV market in the future. “We have already seen significant cost reductions in energy storage solutions and we believe there will be significant advances in this area in the coming years, which will reduce costs and improve storage lifecycle management,” he highlighted.

“At Canadian Solar, we are building on our expertise and rapidly increasing solar storage space. Our integrated business model, covering modules and system solutions as well as our energy business, gives us a growth advantage to develop cost-effective, end-to-end, integrated and dispatchable solar energy solutions,” added Qu

According to the executive, in this last quarter, the company almost doubled its total pipeline and portfolio of storage projects. “We are also building our storage pipeline in other parts of the world, including Latin America, Europe and Australia,” he concluded.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Mateus Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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