ANEEL proposes consolidation of consumer standards

Document proposes the refund of double the amount in case of undue charge
ANEEL propõe consolidação de normas para o consumidor

ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency) approved the opening of the second phase of the Public Consultation that deals with the consolidation of normative acts relating to the rights and duties of consumers and other users of the public electricity distribution service.

According to the Agency, the objective is to unite the rights of electricity consumers in just one standard, aiming to encourage distributors to serve consumers in the shortest possible time. 

In the text of the new standard, the agency proposes reducing steps and reorganizing the deadlines for the consumer to obtain an electricity connection. According to ANEEL, this measure is important to improve the business environment in the country. 

The document also proposes a calculation methodology for monetary compensation for failure to meet deadlines and undue suspension. 

Read too: ANEEL confirms solar energy as a priority for the next two years

In addition, it proposes the refund of double the amount in case of undue charges, compensation for electrical damages and deadlines for carrying out works. For more information Click here. 

In the first phase of the consultation, around 2 thousand contributions were received, this is the second largest contribution that the Agency has received in a public consultation in the last 9 years.

Those interested in participating in the second phase of Public Consultation No. 18/2021 must send contributions by October 3, 2021 to email [email protected]. Access the consultation documents clicking here.

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Canal Solar editorial team
Text produced by Canal Solar journalists.

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