ANEEL wants consumer satisfaction to have an impact on the electricity bill

Agency opens public consultation aiming to include the “User Satisfaction” component in the calculation methodology
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ANEEL quer que satisfação do consumidor tenha peso na conta de luz
ANEEL assesses that there is low consumer satisfaction in relation to distributors' services in the country. Photo: Freepik

A ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency) opened one public consultation as goal to seek solutions that contribute to the increased consumer satisfaction of distributors of electrical energy. 

A proposal suggests the creation of a component called “User Satisfaction” to be incorporated into the electricity bill calculation, so that an unsatisfactory performance of a distributor – determined by ANEEL among consumers through national research and other indicators – is reflected in a reduction in the tariff value. 

According to the regulator's proposal, the consumer satisfaction – measured by the “Iasc” indicator – would become one of the components of the “X Factor” calculation, an indicator that measures the efficiency of energy distributors and determines the transfer of any gains to consumers through direct tariff reductions.

In 2022, only 0.02% of Brazilian consumer units achieved an Iasc above 70, minimum regulatory value in a range that goes up to 100. For almost 60% of consumers, the Iasc was below 60.

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O diagnosis made by ANEEL, therefore, is that there is currently low consumer satisfaction in the country in relation to distributor services and that the situation has worsened in recent years. 

“The consumer is the protagonist of the electricity sector. When we talk about protagonism, it's having the energy when you need it, with the quantity and quality you need, and being satisfied. This is what regulation seeks”, said Hélvio Guerra, general director of ANEEL. 

A Public Consultation No. 008/2024 will be available for collecting contributions of civil society until April 22nd. Interested parties can send their suggestions via email: [email protected]

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Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

One Response

  1. now providing good services will also be charged, which is an obligation will be charged to the consumer. total abuse. The mastermind of this insanity should be fired for the good of public service.

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