Application compares cost-benefit of electric and conventional cars

EDP Smart launches app that calculates expenses and environmental gains for each car model
Aplicativo compara custo-benefício de carro elétrico e convencional

Have you ever thought about buying an electric vehicle but have doubts about the cost-benefit when comparing it to a conventional car?

EDP Smart, a subsidiary of EDP Brasil, launched an application to help make calculations and contribute to drivers' decision-making.

EDP ev.X, available free of charge on Android and iOS systems, analyzes user behavior on their daily journeys, calculates and compares the costs generated by common and electrified vehicles.

According to the company, the application uses the cell phone's GPS to simulate the performance of the electric car in terms of costs and environmental impact. “The operation is simple. After downloading it, the owner enters information about the vehicle he owns and the electric car he is interested in.

After a month, for example, the driver can know their total expenditure on the vehicle, as well as their CO₂ emissions in nature, number of recharges and the comparison if they were using the chosen electric vehicle”, explained Nuno Pinto, head of Electric Mobility and Customer Services at EDP Smart.

Online platform

EDP also highlighted that another way to make this comparative calculation is available in its site. The platform has a simulator in which interested parties can enter data about mileage and expenses with different fuels and vehicle sizes.

In this case, according to the company, owners with on-board computers can use the tool to provide more accurate data. For example, it performs calculations based on average fuel prices in Brazil.

“We know that there are still many doubts about electric cars in Brazil. As a company that wants to be effectively present in this transition, we launched the EDP ev.X on the Brazilian market in order to provide reliable information to those interested in having a vehicle of this type. We believe that the platforms will help drivers and companies make decisions,” Pinto emphasized.

Electric vehicle market breaks record in Brazil

According to ABVE (Brazilian Electric Vehicle Association), the sale of electric vehicles in Brazil in 2020 broke a new record and surpassed, from January to September, the total for 2019.

The association expects to close this year with 19 thousand cars sold in the country, which corresponds to an increase of 60% compared to 2019 and 378% compared to 2018.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Matthew Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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