Public hearing discusses consolidation of standards on consumer rights

ANEEL proposes to concentrate the content of 62 standards in force in just two
2 minute(s) of reading

ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency) will hold this Wednesday (21), at 10 am, Public Hearing No. 011/2021 on the proposal to consolidate the rights and duties of electricity consumers. 

The hearing will be held in virtual format and can be followed on the channel Agency YouTube.

The Agency's proposal is to concentrate the content of 62 standards in force into just two: one related to consumers and the other on the transfer of public lighting assets. 

“The main objective of this consolidation is to maintain the currently valid merit of the consolidated resolutions, with clear, objective, simple and precise language, as well as eliminating possible contradictions between the consolidated acts”, highlighted Sandoval Feitosa, director-rapporteur for the topic . 

“Energy consumers increasingly have a voice in the sector, also assuming the role of energy generators or using batteries and electric vehicles, which will be increasingly present in our lives”, added Feitosa.

This will be the second hearing to hear from society about Public Consultation No. 018/2021, which deals with the consolidation of the rights and duties of electricity consumers. 

According to ANEEL, among the standards to be revoked are: 

  • ANEEL Normative Resolution No. 414/2010, which establishes the conditions for supplying electricity throughout the country; 
  • Resolution 547/2013, on the application of the tariff flag system; 
  • Resolution 610/2014, which deals with electronic pre-payment and post-payment modalities for electricity; 
  • and Resolution 733/2016, on the white hourly rate; and Resolution 819/2018, relating to the recharging of electric vehicles.

“In fact, we are creating a revolution when it comes to dealing with consumers, and I have no doubt that the consultation period will be very intense in discussions. This is a true treaty on consumer relations and will guide the consumer-distributor relationship for the coming years. It is important that consumers get involved”, said André Pepitone, general director of ANEEL.

Contributions to Public Consultation No. 018/2021 can be made until Thursday (22) by email [email protected]. To follow the progress of the consultation, access the Agency's page by clicking here.

Picture of Ericka Araújo
Ericka Araújo
Head of journalism at Canal Solar. Presenter of Papo Solar. Since 2020, it has been following the photovoltaic market. He has experience in podcast production, interview programs and writing journalistic articles. In 2019, he received the 2019 Tropical Journalist Award from SBMT and the FEAC Journalism Award.

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