Bars and restaurants adopt sustainable practices related to energy use

Generation of solar energy and biogas are among the opportunities considered by entrepreneurs
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Energy bills have a significant impact on the sector. Source: Pixabay

Measures related to the use of electricity stood out among small business owners when asked about the sustainable practices adopted in their establishments. The generation of solar energy it's from biogas emerge as opportunities considered by entrepreneurs.

With the participation of more than a thousand entrepreneurs, this is one of the main findings of the research “Circular Economy Diagnosis”, led by ABRASEL (Brazilian Association of Bars and Restaurants) in collaboration with the Sebrae.

According to ABRASEL, the energy consumption in bars and restaurants is high due to the use of ovens (electric, wood or gas), refrigerators, freezers, cold rooms, air conditioning, fans and lighting. The energy bill generally represents a significant portion of expenses in this sector.

The results of the study indicate a broad interest in the adoption of sustainable practices, driven mainly by internal factors, that is, by the motivations of managers and teams themselves. The hypothesis is that there is a search for efficiency and cost reduction.

Main motivations that led to the adoption of sustainable practices:

  • 48% – desire of the owners themselves;
  • 20% – customer influence;
  • 12% – partner requirements;
  • 11% – supplier requirements;
  • 11% – investor requirements.

“This research reveals not only a growing interest, but concrete actions towards sustainability in the country's bars and restaurants. The data shows that the adoption of more sustainable practices is becoming a tangible reality, driven especially by managers’ desire to make a difference”, he says Luíza Campos, leader of Abrasel's ESG area.

Picture of Wagner Freire
Wagner Freire
Wagner Freire is a journalist graduated from FMU. He worked as a reporter for Jornal da Energia, Canal Energia and Agência Estado. He has covered the electricity sector since 2011. He has experience in covering events, such as energy auctions, conventions, lectures, fairs, congresses and seminars.

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