Brazil reaches historic mark of 9 GW of solar source power

According to ABSOLAR, energy is being generated in large plants, as well as in small and medium-sized systems
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31-05-21-canal-solar-Brasil atinge marca histórica de 9 GW de potência da fonte solar

Brazil broke another historic milestone. The country reached 9 GW of operational power from solar sources, according to a survey carried out by ABSOLAR (Brazilian Association of Photovoltaic Solar Energy). 

According to the association, this clean, renewable and competitive energy is being generated in large plants, as well as in small and medium-sized systems installed on roofs, facades and land throughout Brazil. 

“Solar is already the cheapest source in Brazil and in the world. Therefore, the more photovoltaic energy in the matrix, the cheaper the bill will be for all Brazilians, including the reduction in food prices and the reduction of terrible red flags”, said Ronaldo Koloszuk, president of the Board of Directors of ABSOLAR.

Know more: Solar energy will be 40% cheaper in 2050, BloombergNEF points out

Brazil achieves unprecedented milestone in the photovoltaic sector

ABSOLAR also pointed out that Brazil is among the 10 countries that installed the most energy photovoltaic in 2020

According to research carried out by the entity, with data compiled from the IEA PVPS (International Energy Agency Photovoltaic Power Systems Programme), the country advanced three positions in the world ranking of annual added power, rising from 12th to 9th position.

DG should reach 84 GW of installed power by 2050

“Analyzing a lower cost scenario, without considering public policies and incentives, the expectation is that by 2050 the total photovoltaic DG (distributed generation) capacity will reach 84 GW of installed power in Brazil”.

This is the estimate of Luiza Demoro, Head of Country Transition Trends at BNEF (BloombergNEF). “We are in a country that, in general, has a very positive history for investments in renewables and that is very well regarded by investors, despite the challenges we present, such as resolution 482”, he commented. 

Picture of Mateus Badra
Matthew Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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