Brazil should reach 150 MWp in floating plants by the end of 2024

During a showroom held in Campinas (SP), CEO of Apollo Flutuantes highlights the advantages of technology
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28-08-23-canal-solar-Brasil deve atingir 150 MWp em usinas flutuantes até final de 2024
Floating solar plant with 690 W bifacial modules from AE Solar. Photo: Canal Solar

“We currently have 42 MWp of floating solar plants in Brazil. By the beginning of next year, we should expand to 100 MWp and, by the end of 2024, we must reach 150 MWp of installed capacity”. These are the projections of Alves Teixeira Filho, CEO of Apollo Flutuantes.

During show room which is being carried out in Campinas, sp), the executive spoke about the operation of such technologies and what are the main benefits.

“The basic objective of the event is to demystify the concept of a floating plant. Everyone has heard of it, but no one knows what it is. So, the aim is to bring people together so that they understand its complexities”, he said.

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“For large projects, for example, the benefits exceeded a gigantic value. With the fall of the presidential vetoes of Law 14,330, today it is possible to build a GC (centralized generation) plant on water and sell electrical energy as DG (distributed generation)”, reported Teixeira.

Therefore, in his view, the changes in the law caused a rush for floating photovoltaic systems, which are booming in the country.

Visitantes conheceram de perto o funcionamento de uma usina flutuante. Foto: Canal Solar
Visitors got to see the workings of a floating power plant up close. Photo: Canal Solar
Instalações FV flutuantes são construídas sobre plataformas compostas de boias flutuadoras e permitem aproveitar as áreas ociosas de lagos. Foto: Canal Solar
Floating PV installations are built on platforms made up of floating buoys and make it possible to take advantage of idle lake areas. Photo: Canal Solar

More about the showroom

The showroom is an initiative by the companies AE Solar, SMA, Fortlev, Royal FIC, Transmaq, Apollo, Getpower, Fiori, Altus, On-Off Grid, in partnership with Unicamp (State University of Campinas).

At the site, visitors had the opportunity to see a floating plant with 690 W bifacial modules from AE Solar and a 12 kW three-phase inverter from SMA.

According to the CEO of Apollo Flutuantes, who is doing floating with common panels, which have a rear backsheet, the degree of water infiltration is very high inside. “Then the PID effect starts to kick in and you lose the module.”

“Is it more expensive than a plant on the ground? Yes, but just for the energy it produces, for working cooler, it already pays the difference. We know that heat is a factor that causes the panel to age”, he concluded.

Showroom acontece até o dia 31 de agosto em Campinas (SP). Foto: Canal Solar
Showroom runs until August 31st in Campinas (SP). Photo: Canal Solar
Evento contou com a presença de profissionais do setor de energia solar. Foto: Canal Solar
The event was attended by professionals from the solar energy sector. Photo: Canal Solar


Date: 28 to 31 August 2023, from 10am to 5:30pm;

Address: TMW Energy, located on Rua Walter Franco de Lima, Parque Xangrilá, in Campinas (SP).

Price: free entry.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Mateus Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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