Brazil will gain 51 new renewable energy projects

Auctions held by ANEEL and CCEE total R$ 4 billion of investments in clean energy
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ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency) and CCEE (Electric Energy Trading Chamber) held, last Thursday (8), energy auctions of type A-3 and A-4, the first organized since the beginning of the pandemic. 

During the event, contracts were negotiated for hydroelectric projects and generation from wind, solar and biomass sources.

The agreements signed amounted to more than R$ 4 billion in investments in the works of the plants, which will last 20 and 30 years and begin supply in January 2024 and January 2025.

In total, 33 companies won the A-3 auction, for offering the lowest selling price for their energy. The projects total R$ 2.2 billion in investments and the average discount was 30.83%. 

In the A-4 auction, 18 projects were contracted, which together total R$ 1.8 billion in estimated future investments. The average discount, in this case, was 28.82%. 

According to André Patrus, executive manager of ANEEL's Executive Secretariat for Auctions, the results obtained in the competitions will reduce the cost to be considered in energy tariffs by 1.31%.

“We contracted all the sources offered, contributing to the diversification of the national electricity matrix, with significant discounts and savings of around R$ 2.5 billion for consumers, considering the reduction in the price of energy negotiated in relation to the ceiling”, he said. 

Rui Altieri, president of the CCEE Board of Directors, highlighted that the final result of the auctions reinforced companies' interest in renewable sources, aiming at the sustainability of the planet. “We also facilitate investments in new plants and the expansion of projects in different regions of the country”, he commented. 

Check out more details about the auctions held

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henrique Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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