Brazil records lower average cost when installing PV systems, says Solfácil

A study carried out shows that the indicator is R$/Wp 3.17; report also includes the most used brands
Canal Solar Brasil registra menor custo médio na instalação de sistemas fotovoltaicos, aponta Solfácil
A study showed that the reduction in the average price of solar energy was observed in all regions of the country. Photo: Proauto/Disclosure

O average price for installing photovoltaic systems for homes in Brazil reached, in the third quarter of this year, R$/Wp 3.17 – the lowest index since the beginning of the Solfácil Radar, in 2022. The indicator also showed a drop of 11% compared to the second quarter of 2023.

Comparação dos preços médios do Brasil, em R$/Wp, porfaixa de potência. Imagem: Reprodução/Radar Solfácil
Comparison of average prices in Brazil, in R$/Wp, by power range. Image: Reproduction/Radar Solfácil

According to the study, the price drop was driven by dollar reduction It's from international shipping cost, which fell by around 77% in the last year, reducing the cost of transporting solar panels.

Furthermore, the increase in production capacity and the dynamics between inventory and turnover also contributed to the movement. Already the polysilicon price, the main raw material for the production of photovoltaic solar panels, remained stable during the period considered.

O study was built from the analysis of financing requests for residential projects made to Solfácil between the months of July 2022 and September 2023. Access the full study.

Average price by region

The study pointed out that the reduction in the average price of solar energy was observed in all regions of the country, with the Midwest it was the region with the cheapest kWp in Brazil, R$/Wp 3.05. The indicator fell by 10% compared to the previous period.

The states have the following average:

Image: Reproduction/Radar Solfácil

The second region with the lowest average price for installing solar energy was Southeast, with R$/Wp 3.14, a drop of 13% compared to the second quarter of this year. This is the largest reduction recorded in the region.

See the rates in each state:

Image: Reproduction/Radar Solfácil

The region South recorded an average of R$/Wp 3.16, with a reduction of 12%. The states are divided according to the following average:

Image: Reproduction/Radar Solfácil

The region North East presented an average cost of R$/Wp 3.17 and had a drop of 12% in the period. See the average for each state:

  • Image: Reproduction/Radar Solfácil

The region North, on the other hand, has the highest average price, R$/Wp 3.33, despite the drop of 9% compared to the previous period.

Image: Reproduction/Radar Solfácil

Top brands by power range

The report also lists the inverter brands most used in installations by system power range, considering project financing requests made to Solfácil.

Growatt, Deye and Goodwe lead the TOP 3 of the main brands. Check out the ranking below.

Principais marcas por faixa de potência. Imagem: Reprodução/Radar Solfácil
Top brands by power range. Image: Reproduction/Radar Solfácil
Picture of Ericka Araújo
Ericka Araújo
Head of journalism at Canal Solar. Presenter of Papo Solar. Since 2020, it has been following the photovoltaic market. He has experience in podcast production, interview programs and writing journalistic articles. In 2019, he received the 2019 Tropical Journalist Award from SBMT and the FEAC Journalism Award.

5 Responses

  1. Good morning!
    This is not the reality in Alfenas MG, here there are people working almost for free and the average value here is no more than R$1.00 per wp and is often below that!

    1. Hello Mr. Joaquim, from ALFENAS
      SANTOS SP.
      Gonzaga neighborhood
      TEL 55 11 9 7274.7579 what
      Santos 11.November 2023
      03.46 am…in

  2. Is there any reason other than market availability or price that justifies the use of the first 3 brands of inverters? For example, being a reference for quality, greater guarantee, durability, etc.

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