Brazilians with battery solutions live “normal lives” during blackouts

Failures in energy supply in Brazil make storage a solution to consumers’ problems
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Brasileiros com soluções em baterias vivem “vida normal” durante apagões
Photo: Freepik

O blackout which left more than 2 million properties without access to electricity, in November this year, in several cities in the state of São Paulo, he was Just another case of trouble caused by falling of electrical networks in Brazil.

Only U.S last twelve months, The ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency) received more than 44.5 thousand complaints of consumers claiming power outage in your properties, an average of more than 120 complaints per day.

During the period, the lack of electricity, including, responded to more than a quarter of the total 176 thousand complaints registered, being the main claim made by consumers to ANEEL.

However, amid the complaints, who can rest assured regarding the lack of light are consumers with battery solutions, since this type of solution stores excess energy generated for later use without leaving the consumer tied to the distributor's network.

This was the case of Caio Lentini, director of operations at Deye, who lives in São Paulo (SP) and who, unlike his neighbors, did not experience difficulties during the blackout that hit the capital of São Paulo.

He explains that as he lives in an apartment, he does not have a solar energy system in his unit, but uses a photovoltaic hybrid inverter with batteries instead, as shown in the image below.

Photo: Personal archive

“When the power went out in São Paulo I managed to live really well. I had, of course, to ration energy, but I didn't experience any difficulties. My refrigerator worked normally, I had access to the internet and at night I was able to leave a lamp on to see everything my family and I were doing”, he said.

According to Lentini, in moments like the one seen in São Paulo, There is nothing to pay for the comfort of having access to light. “It was a very interesting experience to experience firsthand what we can do with an energy storage system – which, in my case, had a hybrid inverter installed”, he pointed out.

Batteries and their challenges

In an interview with Canal Solar, Luca Milani, CEO and founder of 77 Sun, highlights that the Consumer interest in solar energy systems with batteries is growing in Brazil, but which are still small when compared to on-grid systems.

“We do see demand for storage systems growing in the market, but I don’t think it’s significant. What we see a lot is the search for information about technology”, he said.

For the professional, three factors still hinder the growth in the commercialization of photovoltaic batteries in Brazil: the more expensive price than conventional systems, the complacency of Brazilian integrators in offering only on-grid technologies to their customers and the lack of technical specialization of those working in the sales sector.

According to him, many interested consumers in generating their own energy when they see that the price of battery solutions are more expensive, they end up opting for on-grid technology, since it also do not receive adequate guidance from integrators.

“The photovoltaic market still lacks qualified, courageous professionals who deviate from common sense: who are not afraid to offer their customers a solar energy system with batteries. Today, common sense is still to offer on-grid systems, because it is the easiest thing to do,” he said.

According to Milani, the solar energy market in Brazil grew very quickly in a short period of time and integrators, who have learned very well how to set up an on-grid system, when they think about adding an additional battery to their projects, often don't know how to install it. or they end up being afraid to install the technology in a client's property, for fear of causing problems.

“The market’s biggest challenge is explaining to the end customer why they should invest in batteries. As it is a more expensive solution, we automatically have to show the reasons why it is more expensive and present the advantages in relation to on-grid systems, such as being able to store excess energy and obtain a greater return on investment”, he highlighted. .

For this, the professional reinforces the need for integrators to seek technical knowledge to differentiate themselves in the market and be ready to offer and meet the demands of their customers with solutions that go beyond the conventional systems that everyone already sells.

Falling price

Despite being more expensive than conventional photovoltaic systems, the The price of photovoltaic systems with batteries has been falling on the international market. In the last ten years, for example, the average value of lithium-ion batteries dropped over 80%, with 14% of depreciation in the last year alone.

Despite the price reduction and the great demand for information about technology by consumers, the CEO of 77Sol believes that the demand for Storage systems should grow even from next year.

“At the beginning of next year we still don't know very well what to expect, because the market in the last two years has been quite turbulent in the first half of the year. However, I believe that there will be an evolution in technology from the second semester onwards”, he commented.

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

3 Responses

  1. We opted for on grid, but we always asked about hybrid. The technicians told us it wouldn't be worth it. I'm so sorry we didn't push harder. I would like to know if I can somehow make the change and if it would be much more expensive.
    I thank

  2. I worked at a battery company for micro mobility vehicles, but it was fully capable of developing (I even created some) projects for residential batteries.

    The price of cells and the quantity needed is the biggest obstacle, even with the drop in prices mentioned in the article. The difficulty of importing, the high cost and the need for a large quantity of cells for the battery to meet the customer's needs, means that a battery module has a frightening price for the customer.

    It is necessary to prepare professionals to be able to show clients the advantage of being able to store their own energy, especially when we are talking about a scenario where this cost is an investment.

  3. Perfect! That's right! I have a hybrid system with three inverters of 8kWh each (12kWh peak), each one “touching” a phase, with 42 550W photovoltaic panels (six strings of 7 panels each, two strings entering each inverter), associated with a 30kWh battery pack (six lithium batteries of 5kWh each). During blackouts, our lives go on as normal! including helping neighbors with energy loans to keep the basics in their homes running. Even with rain, the system still produces enough for rational use, indefinitely. Today (06/12/23), with the weather cloudy during periods of the day, my total generation was 118.53kWh with a peak of an unbelievable 24.11kWh (a little above the installed capacity inclusive). I highly recommend it!

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