Esfera Solar Power Plants BU reaches 30 MW mark in 45 days

Business unit has won nine projects since its creation
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Canal Solar BU de Usinas da Esfera Solar atinge marca de 30 MW em 45 dias
BU offers the Brazilian market a complete package of solutions for integrators. Photo: Freepik

In less than two months of activity, the Usinas da Esfera Solar business unit reached the 30 MW milestone in nine different projects. The BU (Business Unit) offers the Brazilian market a complete package of solutions for integrators, such as modules, inverters, structure, medium voltage and engineering support.

According to Esfera Solar, this achievement is the result of its expertise and strategic partnerships. “The Usinas business unit has established a solid partnership with Canadian Solar, a world leader in the manufacture of photovoltaic modules and inverters. This collaboration allowed us to offer products of high quality, reliability and exceptional performance to Esfera Solar’s customers”, stated Eduardo Villas Boas, CEO of the company.

Esfera Solar launches BU Usinas in partnership with Canadian and Canal Solar

Gustavo Tegon, commercial director of Esfera Solar, expressed his satisfaction with the results achieved by the unit. “We are extremely happy with the rapid growth and success of our Usinas business unit. This milestone of 30 MW sold in just 45 days is a testament to our commitment to providing excellent solar energy solutions and meeting the demands of our customers”, he highlighted.

Also according to Tegon, BU's result in a short period is due to its commitment to providing quality service and personalized solutions to customers.

“We respond promptly to the specific needs of each project. Furthermore, we invested in the development of an exclusive CRM tool for the Usinas unit, further improving customer relationships and efficient project management”, he pointed out.

“Flexibility is another strong point of Esfera Solar, which adapts to delivery schedules according to customer needs. Understanding the particularities of each project, the company ensures that the photovoltaic generators are delivered within the established deadlines, meeting customer expectations”, he concluded.

Picture of Ericka Araújo
Ericka Araújo
Head of journalism at Canal Solar. Presenter of Papo Solar. Since 2020, it has been following the photovoltaic market. He has experience in podcast production, interview programs and writing journalistic articles. In 2019, he received the 2019 Tropical Journalist Award from SBMT and the FEAC Journalism Award.

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