BYD expands production capacity to meet market demand

Manufacturer opens another work shift at its manufacturing unit located in Campinas (SP)
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08-03-21-canal-solar-BYD expande capacidade produtiva no Brasil para atender demanda de mercado

In order to increase production and meet current demand, the BYD announced the opening of the second shift of its factory located in Campinas (SP). The measure generated the creation of 60 new jobs – with this, the company has 410 employees.

The growing expansion of the Brazilian photovoltaic market was a determining factor in the company's decision, which obtained a increase of more than 40% in the sale of modules in the second half of 2020, compared to the same period in 2019.

“This new contribution ratifies our commitment to continue investing heavily in Brazil, consolidating itself as an innovative company and developer of energy efficiency and electric mobility solutions, having three manufacturing units in the country (battery modules, photovoltaic modules and chassis electric buses), said Marcelo Taborda, commercial manager at BYD.

“Even in the midst of the pandemic, in 2020 we presented high growth rates based on the new commercial strategies adopted by the company”, added the executive.  Taborda also highlighted that due to the expansion of solar sources in Brazil, the country is on the map for large investments in photovoltaic energy and DG (distributed generation) projects.


BYD foresees growth in the coming months and does not rule out the possibility of new hires, whether for its manufacturing unit or other sectors of its headquarters in the interior of São Paulo.  “Our products are increasingly demanded by the market due to their quality and after-sales structure”, pointed out Adalberto Maluf, marketing and sustainability director at BYD.

Solar sector in Brazil

According to data from ABSOLAR (Brazilian Photovoltaic Solar Energy Association), the DG segment is expected to grow by 90% this year compared to the total installed by 2020.  The association predicts that more than 4.9 GW of installed power will be added throughout 2021, including large plants and distributed systems.

“We are still living in a moment of uncertainty due to the pandemic and possible changes in resolution 482, which deals with rules for microgeneration and distributed minigeneration of energy, but BYD is betting on the growth of the solar photovoltaic sector due to the maturity of the technology”, reported Maluf.  “In addition to having invested millions to build the largest research and innovation laboratory in the country, BYD is once again operating with a second shift and plans new expansions in the future,” concluded the executive.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Mateus Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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