Chamber of Deputies approved 137 bills in 2023

In the energy area, the main discussions involved issues related to the promotion of renewables
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Câmara dos Deputados aprovou 137 projetos de lei em 2023
Photo: Wilson Dias/Agência Brasil/Reproduction

In 2023, the Chamber of Deputies approved 137 bills; 22 provisional measures; 25 draft legislative decrees; eight draft resolutions, eight complementary bills and three PECs (Proposed Amendments to the Constitution), according to a balance released by Agência Câmara de Notícias.

In the energy area, the main discussions involved issues related to the promotion of renewable energy, such as regulating the supply and granting of areas for the exploration of electrical energy on the high seas through offshore wind farms.

According to the proposal, it will be up to the Executive Branch to define the areas in which generating equipment can be installed, and must harmonize the public policies of its bodies (such as Energy and Environment), in order to avoid or mitigate potential conflicts in the use of these areas. The text was forwarded to the Senate.

Low emission hydrogen

This year, parliamentarians also approved the Bill 2308/2023, which seeks to regulate the production of low-carbon hydrogen in Brazil, establishing a Brazilian standard of voluntary certification and federal tax incentives for the development of this new industry in the country.

The text, authored by deputies Gilson Marques (Novo-SC) and Adriana Ventura (Novo-SP), was reported by deputy Bacelar (PV-BA) and awaits a vote in the Senate.

According to the proposal, there will be voluntary certification and federal tax incentives. The text also conceptualizes renewable hydrogen as being that obtained with the use of renewable sources, including solar, wind, hydraulic, biomass and biogas.

carbon credit market

The Chamber of Deputies also approved this year the proposal that regulates the carbon market in Brazil (PL 2148/15). The text creates the SBCE (Brazilian Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading System), which establishes ceilings for emissions and a securities sales market.

The rapporteur, deputy Aliel Machado (PV-PR), proposed a text that combines projects discussed in the Chamber with a proposal already approved by the Senate (PL 412/22). The project returns to the Senate for analysis of the changes made by deputies.

The idea of the project is to create a limit on greenhouse gas emissions for companies. Those that pollute the most must offset their emissions by purchasing bonds. Those that have not reached the limit will gain shares to be sold on the market.

Flow reversal

At the end of the year, parliamentarians also handed over to the president of the Chamber of Deputies, Arthur Lira, the establishment of the CPI (Parliamentary Inquiry Committee) that will investigate the performance of energy distributors in the DG (distributed generation) market.

The author of the request, federal deputy Lafayette de Andrada, who is also the president of FREPEL (Mixed Parliamentary Front for Clean Energy), announced, last week, in the plenary of the House, that the minimum number of 171 signatures of deputies had been reached for the establishment of the CPI.

The expectation is that, at the latest, upon the return of the parliamentary recess, the CPI will be officially established. The objective is to analyze possible irregularities committed by concessionaires with regard to non-compliance with DG connection deadlines and also in relation to rejections due to reversal of the flow of orders for the installation of new own generation systems.

Regulation of Law 14,300

The month of May was marked in the Chamber of Deputies by the fact that parliamentarians approved the urgent request for voting on the PL 1292/2023, which aims to change parts of the Law 14,300. 

The main objective of the proposal was to close “supposed loopholes” left by ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency) after the publication of Normative Resolution No. 1,059/2023 in February this year. 

On that occasion, the Agency changed the Normative Resolution No. 1000/2021, in the points related to the rules for the connection and billing of DG plants in electrical energy distribution systems, as well as the rules of the SCEE (Electrical Energy Compensation System) in electrical energy distribution systems.

“In general, taking an average, I think the actions of the deputies in favor of the renewable energy sector were positive”, said Marina Meyer Falcão, president of the Energy Law Commission of the OAB (Brazilian Bar Association) of Minas Gerais. General and secretary of regulatory affairs at INEL.

Check out bills that are still being processed in Congress:

  • PL 5,955/2023: establishes rules for the protection of animals in the vicinity of transmission lines and towers and electrical power stations and substations. The proposal was received by Cmads (Commission for Environment and Sustainable Development);
  • PL 5,879/2023: provides for exemption from toll fees for electric vehicles. The proposal was received by the CDE (Economic Defense Commission);
  • PL 5,865/2023: prohibits electricity distributors from suspending supply due to non-payment regarding the recovery of consumption due to meter fraud. The proposal was received by the CDC (Consumer Protection Commission);
  • PL 5,851/2023: provides for the deadline for connecting electrical energy consuming units with a power of up to 140 kVA. The proposal was received by the CDC (Consumer Protection Commission);
  • PL 4,504/2023: establishes the aid program for municipalities adjacent to oil producers, aiming at the redistribution of royalties. The opinion was approved by Cindre (National Integration and Regional Development Commission), and the proposal was received by the CFT (Finance and Taxation Commission);
  • PL 71/2023: establishes the National Green Infrastructure Policy. Deputy Paulo Guedes (PT-MG) was appointed rapporteur of the proposal at the CFT (Finance and Taxation Commission);
  • MP 1,162/2023 what it was approved and became the law 14,620/2023 – Minha Casa Minha Vida: was sanctioned on 13/07 by President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT), having in its text the inclusion of solar energy without purchasing surplus

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Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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