Chamber of Deputies must vote on PL that benefits distributed generation

Request for urgent processing was approved by 374 votes to 72

The Chamber of Deputies is expected to vote in the coming weeks on PL 5829 (Bill 5829/19), authored by parliamentarian Silas Câmara (Republicanos/AM).

This is because the request for urgent processing, presented by deputy Jhonatan de Jesus (Republicanos/RO), was approved this Tuesday (8) by 374 votes to 72.

The PL aims to benefit consumers who generate their own electrical energy, especially from renewable sources (solar, wind, biomass), and inject the surplus into the local distribution network.

As published by the Chamber of Deputies, the proposal guarantees micro and mini electricity generators 100% discount on charges and tariffs for use of transmission and distribution systems.

The original text of the PL aims to change the article 26 of Law no. 9,427, of December 26, 1996, which establishes ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency) and regulates the regime for public electricity service concessions and provides other measures.

What is an emergency regime?

The emergency regime does not require some regulatory formalities. To be processed under this regime, the proposal must deal with matters involving the defense of democratic society and fundamental freedoms, among other cases. A proposal can also be processed urgently when a request is made to that effect. If the urgency is approved, the proposal will be placed on the Agenda of the following deliberative session, even if it is on the same day.

Picture of Ericka Araújo
Ericka Araújo
Head of journalism at Canal Solar. Presenter of Papo Solar. Since 2020, it has been following the photovoltaic market. He has experience in podcast production, interview programs and writing journalistic articles. In 2019, he received the 2019 Tropical Journalist Award from SBMT and the FEAC Journalism Award.

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