Chamber of Deputies ends another session without voting on PL 5829

GD's Legal Framework remains on the agenda, but is unlikely to be voted on by parliamentarians this Wednesday (26)
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The Plenary of the Chamber of Deputies ended another extraordinary session late on Tuesday night (25) without voting on PL 5829 (Bill no. 5829/19), which aims to establish the Legal Framework for distributed mini and microgeneration in Brazil.

The proposal, authored by deputy Silas Câmara (Republicanos-AM) and whose rapporteur is parliamentarian Lafayette de Andrada (Republicanos/MG), remains on the agenda, but is unlikely to be voted on this Wednesday (26), considering that the Agenda prioritizes one request, two provisional measures and two more bills during the session. 

This Tuesday morning, the report from the Solar Channel found that the GD Legal Framework would be voted on and approved with a large margin of votes. However, the session, which started at 2pm, went on longer than expected and only two of the nine items on the agenda for analysis were, in fact, considered by parliamentarians.

Only in the session of brief announcements, in which each registered deputy has up to three minutes to make their initial comments on the Agenda, more than four hours were used for discussions. Generally, this part does not last more than two hours.

New modification

The project that provides for the creation of the GD Legal Framework underwent yet another modification in relation to the original text. Since it was put on the agenda at the beginning of this year, this is the fifth change promoted by deputy Lafayette de Andrada, aiming for a consensus among deputies.

Read too: Text of PL 5829 will undergo changes; find out what they are

The novelty was the addition of PL 1894 (Bill No. 1,894/2021) to the parliamentarian's text. The coupled document, authored by deputy Eduardo Fonte (Progressistas), basically establishes the possibility for consumers and generators to sell surplus energy produced on their land or roof.

Amendments to the PL

During the session, six EMPs (Plenary Amendment to Project) were filed urgently to PL 5829. Of the total number of amendments, four were presented by the vice-president of the Chamber, deputy Marcelo Ramos (PL/AM).

From the beginning, the parliamentarian has publicly taken a stance against the text presented by the proposal's rapporteur, Congressman Lafayette. Click here to consult the amendments presented.

GD Legal Framework 

PL 5829 assigns to ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency) the responsibility for considering technical, environmental and social attributes for distributed micro and minigeneration in the calculation of energy compensation.

The matter was scheduled to be voted on at the beginning of last year, but ended up being postponed due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The topic was only revived in December, when the majority of deputies voted to make the text urgent, allowing it to skip some steps in the processing process.

In 2021, the document has already been put on the agenda several times, but was not analyzed in any of the extraordinary sessions. The text is evaluated positively by associations and professionals in the solar energy sector and negatively by large economic groups, mostly formed by energy distributors. 


Picture of Henrique Hein
Henrique Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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