Home with positive energy: far beyond Feng Shui

The solar source is a clean energy that can bring positive benefits
4 minute(s) of reading

When talking about positive energy, the first thought refers to spiritual or psychic ideas: positive thinking, positive energy. The concepts even become confusing, when in a simple reading, the way of thinking is allowed to influence behavior and, thus, the result.

Architects and interior designers study and apply Chinese science, which is invariably filled with bits of art and philosophy, which aim to organize spaces in order to attract good energy and beneficial influences from nature: Feng Shui. On the physical plane, positive energy is that which leverages, generates movement towards the objective, like electrical energy.

But is it positive to generate energy from burning non-renewable sources, such as oil? Or what happens in Brazil, where the energy matrix is based on hydroelectric plants with extremely high production, operation, maintenance and transmission infrastructure costs and with direct influence on the environment?

Nature has sent clear messages about what the indiscriminate exploitation of resources, including energy, means. There is no way to consider the energy that degrades as positive. Positive energy is energy that nourishes!

Really positive energy has little impact on production, has low cost and is renewable. But it is not possible to light a lamp or turn on the television with just the power of thought.

The most obvious source of positive energy that human technology has access to is provided by the very nature that exacts excesses: solar energy.    

The Sun's rays provide us with energy in the form of light and heat and technology allows us to direct it towards specific purposes, such as generating electrical energy through photovoltaic solar panels, those plates that look like mirrors and enable the use of solar energy. .

Depending on the project, modern architecture already takes into account the use of these plates in the construction itself. In addition to this material being able to be applied to the structure of an existing building, photovoltaic panels can replace tiles or glass on a facade, for example. It's basically building a house with positive energy.

Due to its size and geographical position, Brazil has one of the highest incidences of sunlight in the world. The country's potential for the use of solar energy is very large, but little explored. There are few initiatives to encourage the exploration of this energy source.

Building a home with positive energy starts with the idea. What’s more: it starts with the ideal. At ALDO's headquarters, for example, the building has prismatic domes for natural lighting in the warehouse area, saving 180,000 kWh per year, a photovoltaic energy generator (automatic multi-grid system) with 943 solar panels that generate 480,000 kWh per year with management and storage of solar energy produced in lithium batteries.

We decided to enter this market with the mission of make the generation of electrical energy from solar rays more accessible to all Brazilians. In itself, the idea is loaded with positive energy: both within the scope of the positive energy of this thought, and within the scope of positive energy, clean, free and without environmental impacts.

It is not yet possible to measure how much the positive energy of thought influences the completion of a project, but the positive physical energy whose main source is the Sun, has a measurable and palpable yield. ANEEL – National Electric Energy Agency – predicts that by 2024 around 1.2 million solar energy generators or more will be installed in homes and businesses across Brazil, representing 15% of the Brazilian energy matrix. According to ABSOLAR – Brazilian Association of Photovoltaic Solar Energy – by the year 2030 the photovoltaic energy market should be worth around R$ 100 billion.


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Picture of Aldo Teixeira
Aldo Teixeira
Founder of photovoltaic equipment distributor Aldo Solar, based in Maringá (PR). He has worked in the solar sector for years, with experience in management and sales.

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