Cemig will provide solar energy by subscription to residential consumers

The expectation is to serve approximately 3 thousand customers by the first quarter of 2021
Cemig fornecerá energia solar por assinatura para consumidores residenciais

Cemig (Companhia Energética de Minas Gerais) began registration for the pre-sale of solar energy by subscription to consumers in the residential market. According to the company, the expectation is to serve approximately 3 thousand customers by the first quarter of 2021.

To this end, the company created, in October last year, SIM, a subscription energy company and energy efficiency solutions.

According to Cemig, SIM operates with a startup culture, and now, as an innovation arm of the company, it is expanding with the sale of residential energy to customers who consume more than 300 kWh per month.

“The distributed generation segment, or subscription solar energy, is one of the fastest growing branches of the sector across the country. This is because it provides a significant reduction in electricity tariffs and also minimizes environmental impacts, by using sunlight, a natural resource. Furthermore, no works or installations are necessary and, therefore, the client does not need to make any investment to contract the service”, says Danilo Gusmão, CEO of Cemig SIM.

Energy is generated in areas with more favorable solar radiation, such as the north and northwest of Minas Gerais. Registration is completely online and from January next year, pre-registered people will have a discount of 15% on the monthly fee and no loyalty period. Interested parties can register and join the model clicking here.

Picture of Redação do Canal Solar
Canal Solar editorial team
Text produced by Canal Solar journalists.

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