China is one of the main players in the Brazilian electricity sector

A study carried out by Boston University shows that 14 companies have already invested US$ 36.5 billion in Brazil
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16-02-2021-canal-solar-China é um dos principais players do setor elétrico brasileiro

China is one of the main players in the electricity sector operating in Brazil. This is what a study by Center for Global Development Policy at Boston University, in the United States.

According to the research, the Asian country assumed this position through a combination of mergers and acquisitions, foreign investments and a continuous process of internationalization of the Brazilian market.

In 2019, they represented 10%, 12% and 12% of Brazil's generation, transmission and distribution segments, respectively. Ranking second, third and fourth in terms of percentage of nationalities.

“China’s influence on Brazil’s electricity industry continued to grow significantly in three areas: investments, construction projects and loans. Brazil has rich natural resources, expanding installed capacity and demand for energy networks”, said Desheng Lei, specialist in electricity markets and sales director at Solis.

“Furthermore, good market, legal and political conditions, combined with China’s financial and technological capacity, have created ideal conditions for the arrival of Chinese companies. There are more companies from China in the areas of power generation, transmission and development of renewable energy in Brazil,” Lei added. 

More data

The survey also indicated that at least 14 Chinese electrical companies were, or are investing, or operating in Brazil, including State Grid, China Three Gorges (CTG), China General Nuclear Power (CGN) and State Power Investment Corporation (SPIC). 

These and other companies invested and were involved in construction projects in the country totaling US$ 36.5 billion by 2019. “At the end of 2019, these companies fully or partially owned 304 plants in Brazilian territory, totaling 16,736 MW. This is almost 10% of the national system”, pointed out Boston University.

By source, 70% of Chinese electrical capacity in Brazil two years ago was in hydropower (11,798 MW). Wind consumed 17% (2,888 MW), and biomass, solar, oil and coal represented 5% (759 MW), being 4% (680 MW), 3% (532 MW) and 1% (79 MW), respectively. 

Fernando Castro, Country Manager at JA Solar in Brazil, highlighted this relationship between Brazil and China and commented that the photovoltaic market should increasingly expand worldwide.

“In our studies, due to internal market share and other favorable conditions, India, China, the United States and Brazil will be the leaders in purchasing solar energy equipment over the next 10 to 20 years.”

Analysis by state

According to the study, the 304 installed Chinese plants are located in 17 states and present in all five regions of the country. The Northeast has the majority of plants (160) and the Southeast has the largest capacity (10 GW). 

In relation to the total invested, the Southeast received 66%, as São Paulo was the main destination for the resources. The Northeast came in second place with 11%, followed by the Central-West with 10%, the South with 7% and the North with 6%.

Companies that invested the most

State Grid, due to its business with CPFL and Belo Monte, is the Chinese company that invested the most in Brazil, representing 56% of the total investment in China's energy sector, followed by CTG with 27%, CGN with 6% and SPC with 3% .

Picture of Mateus Badra
Mateus Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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