CMSE estimates record energy capacity expansion in 2023

Growth in generation supply will be mainly due to the increase in wind and solar sources in the SIN
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O year 2023 must have historical record for expansion of installed electricity generation capacity. The estimate was presented by CMSE (Electricity Sector Monitoring Committee), this Wednesday (15), during an ordinary meeting of the board.

The prospect of growth in the supply of energy generation will be mainly due to increase in wind and solar sources in the national electrical system.

In the context of favorable service conditions, it was highlighted by the ONS (National Electric System Operator) that the month of February ended with the best storage levels in the SIN (National Interconnected System) in the last 16 years.

According to the CMSE, surplus electricity generation is being verified in different regions of the country, allowing commercial exports to Argentina and Uruguay.

Hydrometeorological conditions

In February, the basins of the Iguaçu, Paranapanema, Tietê rivers and the incremental stretch to HPP Itaipu presented precipitation values above the average, while in the other river basins of interest to the SIN, totals below the historical average predominated.

In relation to ENA (Affluent Natural Energy), values above the historical average were verified only for the Southeast/Mid-West subsystem, with 105% of MLT (Long Term Average).

For the South, Northeast and North subsystems, inflow conditions were verified at 86%, 98% and 99% of the MLT, respectively. SIN's aggregate ENA recorded an index of 101% MLT.

In March, the indication is of an ENA below the historical average for all subsystems, with conditions of 83%, 89%, 44% and 87% for the Southeast/Central-West, South, Northeast and North subsystems, respectively. With regard to the SIN, the study indicates conditions for the inflow of 80% from MLT, being the 13th lowest March in a history of 92 years.

Stored Energy

In February, equivalent storages of 76.9%, 85.9%, 85.3% and 96.8% were verified in the Southeast/Central-West, South, Northeast and North subsystems, respectively. For SIN, storage at the end of February was 80.1%.

For the end of March, the expectation in these subsystems is 83.9%, 83.0%, 88.0% and 99.8% of EARmáx, considering the lower scenario, while the upper scenario is predicted to be 85.4%, 83, 7%, 89.5% and 99.9% of EARmax. For the SIN, the forecast for the last day of March is 85.4% of EARmáx, for the lower scenario and 86.8% for the upper scenario.

Expansion of generation and transmission

The expansion seen in February 2023 was approximately 749 MW of installed capacity for centralized electricity generation, 1,096 km of transmission lines.

Thus, in 2023, the expansion totaled 2,027 MW of installed centralized generation capacity, 1,761 km of transmission lines and 3,166 MVA of transformation capacity. Regarding distributed generation, the expansion seen in 2023 was 1,813 MW, reaching a total of approximately 18.2 GW installed in the country.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Matthew Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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