How can solar energy help rural producers and agribusiness?

The photovoltaic source can be a great ally for agribusiness and extremely advantageous for rural producers
Como a energia solar pode auxiliar o produtor rural e o agronegócio

In the national territory there are many small to large farms that have access to the electricity grid and have high electricity bills due to their production processes, but many of these places still do not have this benefit and thus fail to take advantage of this excellent opportunity. .

Therefore, it is very important to resolve this situation with alternatives that add savings and ease in energy generation.

In this context, solar energy is one of the most promising alternatives, as technological solutions applied to agribusiness provide quality and safety with the possibility of increasing productivity and stimulating growth.

Use of solar energy

The use of solar energy is made through the installation of photovoltaic panels, generally on roofs, but nothing prevents this structure from being used to be fixed to the ground on farms and rural properties, for example.

The panels, also called photovoltaic modules, have the ability to transform solar energy into electrical energy, meaning the energy generated will be distributed throughout the property.

In other words, any equipment or structure that needs electricity to function can be powered by this new energy source, which is clean, renewable and sustainable.

This is a market that has been gaining prominence in recent times. According to ABSOLAR (Brazilian Photovoltaic Solar Energy Association), in the first eight months of 2021, 180 thousand systems were installed for the generation and distribution of solar energy, that is, 41% greater than in the same period of 2020.

This growth was due to one of the worst water crises that the country has suffered. In addition to the environmental advantage, investing in solar energy is also beneficial for your pocket, as it guarantees up to 95% in reducing your electricity bill.

Applications of solar energy in agribusiness

The photovoltaic system can be applied in two different formats: on grid and off grid. In the on grid system, the property must have access to the public distribution network, since the excess energy produced by the panels will be delivered to the concessionaire, which grants credits to the consumer as energy compensation.

The off grid system works autonomously and requires battery storage to supply energy at night or on cloudy days. The system is ideal for isolated properties that do not have access to the public energy network.

Advantages of using the photovoltaic system

There are several factors that make the use of solar energy in agribusiness an attractive investment. The main one is certainly the saving of financial resources, but it is not the only one.

Another advantage is that with more autonomy, rural producers are not held hostage by energy concessionaires' tariffs and can therefore have more efficient control of their costs. Return on investment occurs, on average, 4 to 6 years after installing the system. Considering that photovoltaic modules have a useful life of 25 years, the investment will be enjoyed for 20 years or more.

Another issue worth highlighting are the sector-specific lines of credit that facilitate loans for investment in solar energy. The financing installments are equal to or very close to the value that the economy earns on the electricity bill.

And finally, photovoltaic systems are easily installed by trained professionals who will design the best project for the user's needs.

Maintenance of the system is infrequent as rain is part of the work to clean the panels. It is recommended that cleaning be carried out between 6 months and 1 year so that the system is always able to generate at its most appropriate potential.

Investing in the use of solar energy is becoming even more attractive and indispensable. There is no shortage of positive arguments for rural producers, farmers, ranchers and ranchers to start using renewable and sustainable energy as soon as possible.


Image: NREL/Disclosure

Picture of Guilherme Coelho da Costa
Guilherme Coelho da Costa
Executive manager of Renovigi Energia Solar. Graduated in ADM/Foreign Trade from Univali de Itajaí and postgraduate in International Business Management from FGV, Guilherme is a professional with an extensive history in the international market, including frequent trips to Asia for relationships, negotiations and niche fairs.

One Response

  1. Good afternoon Guilherme,
    We have already implemented several off-grid systems to supply water from the Canal do Sertão in Alagoas, for low-income communities to use in agriculture using drip irrigation. Project SERTÃO MULHER, prepared and executed by the TERRAVIVA Institute with resources from the Caixa Econômica Social Fund. If you would like more details, please request using my email. 7/11/2021.

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