How to fix solar panels on the colonial roof?

There are suitable fixing methods for each type of roof.
canal solar Como fixar painéis solares no telhado colonial
In this article we want to talk about traditional colonial roofs. Image: 2P Structures

Brazilian consumers have several doubts when deciding to invest in a photovoltaic installation.

Among them, the following stand out: “Will the installation of the photovoltaic system damage the roof? Will the tiles be broken? Will I suffer from water leaks and drips after installation?”

Fortunately, there are photovoltaic solar energy various fixing methods suitable for each type of roof, which aim to prevent these problems from causing damage and concern to consumers. 

In this article, we will talk about the traditional colonial roof, that use ceramic tiles with a domed shape, very common in Brazilian homes.

Cobertura com telhas coloniais. Fonte
Coverage with colonial tiles. Source:

Hook installation

On roofs with colonial-type ceramic tiles, it is possible to install photovoltaic modules using the hook system. The tiles are lifted in the places where the hooks are to be installed and then placed back in the same place.

The hook, which must be attached to the roof structure (usually wooden), goes around the edge of the tile and provides the attachment point for the roof. aluminum profile on which the photovoltaic module will be installed, as shown in the following figures.

Installing the hook is very practical and does not cause any problems regarding leaks. The method can be used in colonial type ceramic tiles.

Fixação do suporte com gancho à estrutura do telhado. O método pode ser empregado em telhas cerâmicas do tipo colonial
Fixing the support with a hook to the roof structure. The method can be used on colonial-type ceramic tiles
Perfis de alumínio instalados com ganchos presos à estrutura do telhado, encaixados sob as telhas. Fonte: 2P
Aluminum profiles installed with hooks attached to the roof structure, fitted under the tiles. Source: 2P


Picture of Equipe de Engenharia do Canal Solar
Solar Channel Engineering Team
Solar Channel Engineering Team

4 Responses

  1. By placing the hook flush with the tile, there is no need for sealing. If placed correctly, the tile has practically no gaps. And always in the upper part, I see many colleagues install it in the lower part.

  2. At Fonte Solar we place expansive foam to seal these openings that will house the structure's hooks, thus preventing the entry of water, dirt and even animals; We recommend replacing the foam every 15 months, monitoring the product's expiration date.

    Regarding tiles, there are different formats and means of manufacturing, depending on the quality of the tile, it does not support the weight of installers even with walkways to distribute the weights. Therefore, it is important to inform the client and even include in the contract these possible problems that may arise. encounter during the installation process.

  3. Good afternoon,
    Looking at the first illustration, the tile is moved away from its original position, creating an opening between the tiles, due to the fixing hook, could this not lead to water (wind-driven rain), dust and dirt entering through this opening?

    1. Good afternoon, how are you? When the tile is replaced in its original position, the structure does not cause an imbalance capable of causing infiltration, however, if the installer deems it necessary, sealing methods can be applied.

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