Riverside community in Acre will gain access to solar energy in June

With only 4 hours of energy a day, residents of the region await the arrival of technology for a better quality of life
Moradores de comunidade ribeirinha no Acre terão acesso à energia solar em julho
Vila Restauração is currently supplied by a diesel generator 

Starting in June this year, around 750 residents of Vila Restauração, a riverside community located in the interior of Acre, almost on the border with Peru, will have continuous access to electricity through the installation of a photovoltaic system with storage power. 

The implementation of the technology on site is the result of a project that has been developed since last year by the companies Energisa Acre and Alsol

The initiative aims to improve the quality of life of residents, who currently only have access to electricity for up to four hours a day. “Energy for us is life and without it everything becomes more difficult,” said Pedro Nascimento, a resident of the region. 

Located in the Alto Juruá Extractive Reserve, 70 km from the center of the municipality of Marechal Thaumaturgo, Vila Restauração is currently supplied by a diesel generator. 

The equipment, in addition to being polluting and expensive, is paid for by residents and the city hall. To reach the location, one of the most remote in Brazil, journeys of up to eight hours are required in small boats, starting from Marechal Thaumaturgo. 

Read too: Investments bring solar energy to remote areas of Brazil

To transform this reality and bring energy to the region's residents, Energisa Acre and Alsol developed a research and development project to install a photovoltaic solar plant capable of supplying the approximately 180 properties on site. 

The system will store solar energy through batteries, to continue supplying when there is no sunlight in the community. “My dream is to be able to set up my restaurant. As energy will arrive now, everything will become easier”, highlighted Maria Valcélia, resident of Vila Restauração.

What will the logistics of transporting the equipment be like? 

The materials at Alsol's headquarters in Uberlândia (MG) will go by trailer to Cruzeiro do Sul (AC), from where they will go on ferries to Vila Restauração. Some materials related to the distribution network are already in the state and will leave by ferry in the next few days, as well as the first shipment leaving Minas Gerais. The brands of equipment that will be used in the community are from the companies: Jinko (modules), Unicoba (batteries) and Ingeteam (inverters).

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henrique Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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