Crea-SP wants to improve supervision to contain “adventurers” in the PV market

São Paulo body held a meeting to prepare an inspection booklet for solar energy installations
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Crea-SP quer melhorar fiscalização para conter “aventureiros” no mercado de energia solar
Professionals gathered to prepare the instruction booklet. Photo: Henrique Hein

According to reported by Canal Solar, O Crea-SP (Regional Engineering and Agronomy Council of São Paulo) got together, on the morning of this Monday (13), with professionals from the solar energy sector and electricity distributors to prepare a Instruction booklet for inspection in photovoltaic installations.

During the meeting, the entity informed that it wants to improve your inspection work to contain the advance of “adventurous” companies at the solar energy market. 

In other words, companies that carry out installations without any type of technical preparation and that end up putting projects and people at risk, in addition to hindering the development and image of the photovoltaic sector as a whole.

A meeting lasted about three hours and had the participation of just over 20 professionals, and only one of them was on site representing the distributors, in this case, EDP.

Representatives from CPFL, Elektro and ENEL were confirmed, but ended up not attending the event, which was held at the Crea-SP headquarters, in the center of the Capital of São Paulo.

Contributions from both sectors were collected, one of them being, for example, a suggestion for Crea-SP inspectors to take with them to the inspected facilities a document with checklists mandatory to be analyzed.

The tendency is for the instruction booklet to be closed at the next council meeting, as explained by Rui Adriano Alves, advisor to the São Paulo body. “Our next meeting takes place on December 3rd, which is when we should finalize this manual. In January of next year, he will be on the street with each of the inspectors,” he said.

Paulo Takeyama, deputy coordinator of the Specialized Chamber of Electrical Engineering at Crea-SP, highlighted that the meeting fulfilled its objectives of not centralizing the preparation of a document based solely on the analysis of Crea-SP, but rather, in conjunction with the too much players from the market.

“Our objective was to welcome companies that operate in the energy sector so that each of them could help us with contributions. I understand that we had a very productive debate and we will continue working now to continue evolving to bring more security to society”, he said.

Crea-SP also committed to forwarding the final document to everyone present, in order to offer transparency to all links in the chain. O Solar Channel, as soon as he has the final document in hand, he will write a complete report highlighting the topics mentioned in the São Paulo agency's new inspection booklet.

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

10 Responses

  1. CREASP to be more present in every way, I am a mechanical engineer, and work safety, companies in the vehicle safety inspection sector in the state of São Paulo, are hiring professionals and paying well below the minimum, we have annual fees that become very high in relation to the salaries received, drawer contracts even CLT, we have to start organizing the class, laws that have been around for a long time and are not respected, here is my rant.
    Hope this helps.

  2. Good morning, it is of fundamental importance to create rules and standards to consolidate and professionalize a market that has a very promising future, and I make a suggestion, the creation of standards and procedures for the safety and standardization of off-grid systems.

  3. Good morning!! my son had his life destroyed by two Electrical Engineers who sabotaged 50 plants in irradiation calculations, disregarding important factors such as exposure, shading, among others, I have a report on the matter. What they did is unacceptable.

  4. That's sad. I'm an electrical technician and I'm graduating in electrical engineering, but I see CREA as something unnecessary. This council does nothing, monitors nothing. The only thing they are good at is collecting late debts from taxpayers.

    I live in Ribeirão Preto, SP and I wonder: where are these CREA people? You see so many works being done, so many irregularities being committed, putting the lives of others at risk, but there is no one to monitor them.

    The National Congress must open a CPI (Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry) to investigate CREA. CREA is a public body and, as such, it needs transparency, it needs to show results, as it receives a lot of money for this advice.
    I'm not going to talk about the CFT yet, because it's recent, so there hasn't been that much time to set up an inspection structure. But I believe it will follow the same path, that is, it will be a job-hungry Some time ago, I saw a report from a TV newspaper in Mato Grosso, where a CREA employee there was using a luxury vehicle belonging to the council to make changes and load products. The employee was approached by the reporter and, when asked who would have authorized him to use an official vehicle belonging to a public body for personal purposes, he was unable to answer. This is certainly recurrent throughout Brazil and shows the need for supervision of all these professional councils: CRM, CREA, CRT, ECT.

  5. our profession has become commonplace, becoming more and more complicated to work due to the number of professionals and the quality of teaching

  6. I have been following this very serious problem closely. NERY ENGENHARIA has been working with business partners to inform, instruct and, above all, raise awareness of the work.
    Congratulations on the CREA initiative.

  7. This initiative by CREA-SP and everyone else involved in the chain of solar photovoltaic installations is very commendable.
    A suggestion to Canal Solar that the same discussion should also be taken to the council of industrial technicians, since many projects are being signed and executed by electrotechnicians.

  8. A good day to all!
    I do believe that creating a booklet will be a reference point for all professionals in the field, having a direction to follow and standard parameters for photovoltaic installations is great!
    I also emphasize that they should create some type of compulsory seal and monitor the products manufactured and sold, from supports, connectors, cables, among others.
    With the photovoltaic market on the rise, products and components soon begin to appear on the parallel market with competitive prices, new brands with items that have not always undergone testing to ensure that the installation is safe.

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