Cuiabá takes 2nd place in the municipal ranking of photovoltaic DG, according to ABSOLAR

In total, more than 1,200 jobs have already been created for the population, helping to add income
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Cuiabá assume 2ª colocação do ranking municipal de GD fotovoltaica, aponta ABSOLAR

According to the latest survey carried out by ABSOLAR (Brazilian Association and Photovoltaic Solar Energy), Cuiabá (MT) took second place in the municipal ranking of DG (distributed generation) in Brazil.

The data showed that the city reached 41.6 MW of installed power this month of October, an increase of almost 25% compared to the 33.7 MW registered in September. The capital of the state of Mato Grosso surpassed Rio de Janeiro, which has 37.4 MW of power.

“Cuiabá had an important leap. The generation of solar energy distributed in the municipality is equivalent to 1.1% of all photovoltaic power installed in the country. It is also important to say that, since 2012, there have been more than R$ 200 million in accumulated investments made by Cuiaba residents and the solar sector in the city's technology”, highlighted Rodrigo Sauaia, CEO of ABSOLAR.

“In total, more than 1,200 jobs have already been created for the population, helping to add income, including at this difficult time of the pandemic, when the market continued to advance with resilience. Good news for Cuiabá, for the state of Mato Grosso and for photovoltaic energy that is helping to ease the pockets of companies, the population and also public buildings”, added the executive.

According to Sauaia, there is still a lot of room for Cuiabá to advance in the use of this technology. Therefore, ABSOLAR is recommending that the municipality establish its solar energy development program, as did, for example, the capital of the state of Tocantins.

“There in Tocantins, Palmas developed its Palmas Solar program, which was important for the city’s development. And Cuiabá can advance even further by also building its solar energy program to increasingly incorporate this technology into activities and reduce sustainability costs”, concluded the expert.

Photovoltaic DG ranking

According to ABSOLAR, the municipality of Uberlândia remains in first place, with 48 MW. The city of Minas Gerais showed a growth of 15% compared to the 41.5 MW registered last month.

Fortaleza (CE) appears in fourth place, with 38.8 MW, followed by Teresina (PI), with 33.1 MW.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Mateus Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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