CWA Energia estimates R$ 5 million in business at Fenasoja

Company will display photovoltaic solutions for residential, industrial and agribusiness projects
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canal solar CWA Energia estima R$ 5 milhões em negócios na Fenasoja (1)
Multisector fair continues until Sunday (8), in Santa Rosa (RS)

In the birthplace of the state that ranks third in installed power of photovoltaic energy, the 23rd edition of the Fenasoja, a multi-sector fair that continues until Sunday (8), in Santa Rosa (RS). Among the exhibitors is CWA Energy, from São Luiz Gonzaga, which will showcase solar energy solutions for residential, industrial and agribusiness projects.

The expectation is positive and has excited the businessman Wynni Anger da Cunha which estimates business at around R$ 5 million. “We have already had more than 600 registered visits, the interaction with the public is rewarding. We are able to present the quality of products and services through a complete solution to save on electricity bills without harming the environment,” he highlights.

The modules and inverters sold by CWA, available on display at Fenasoja, are from BYD. “Business fairs bring together the best. We set up a cozy space to welcome customers, offering different prices and a raffle for a kit with 10 450 W modules and a 3 kW inverter from BYD and a Yamaha Factor 0 KM motorcycle for those who purchase a system or a maintenance plan from CWA”, says Cunha.

According to him, just like the solar sector, agriculture has also been emerging, and not just due to its level of production. “The segment already represents 43% of our sales, equivalent to 3.4 MW of installed power. These projects include pig farmers, milk producers and family farmers who benefit from the drastic savings generated by a photovoltaic system,” points out the businessman.

For Marcelo Taborda, Sales Director of BYD Brazil, the Brazilian manufacturer has been gaining more and more space in the market due to quality, efficiency and after-sales support that adds investment security for the customer.

Furthermore, the sector has been boosted by incentives from the FINAME/BNDES (Financing Fund for the Acquisition of Industrial Machinery and Equipment) for the purchase of Brazilian-made agricultural machinery and products and the credit lines of the Safra Plan, scheduled to be launched in July.

Another positive factor corresponds to the estimated ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency) that, by 2024, more than 1 million consumers will generate their own energy. In this amount, Taborda highlights that BYD Energy has its share and innovates in the market by providing an integrated solution.

“It’s a special year for BYD Energy in the DG market, mainly in the agribusiness segment, considered of utmost importance in BYD Brasil's strategic planning. The recent inauguration of the new factory in Brazil in Campinas (SP), developed for the production of high power modules (450 W to 670 W), consolidates our brand as the best and most important national manufacturer of photovoltaic modules and shows the level of commitment and appreciation of BYD to the market”, says Taborda.

The director also highlights the partnership relationship with CWA as important for the brand's growth in the rural segment, considering that it is “a partner highly committed to the quality of products and services offered to customers, values that place the company as a one of the most highly regarded in its region.”

Picture of Ericka Araújo
Ericka Araújo
Head of journalism at Canal Solar. Presenter of Papo Solar. Since 2020, it has been following the photovoltaic market. He has experience in podcast production, interview programs and writing journalistic articles. In 2019, he received the 2019 Tropical Journalist Award from SBMT and the FEAC Journalism Award.

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