Dmae of Porto Alegre predicts savings of R$ 48 million with clean energy

POA city hall department this week signed a contract with CPFL Brasil until 2029
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Dmae de Porto Alegre prevê economia de R$ 48 mi com energia limpa
ETA Belém Novo is one of Dmae's UCs in the contracted batch. Photo: Reproduction/Alex Rocha/PMPA

The Dmae (Municipal Water and Sewage Department) of Porto Alegre (LOL) signed last Monday (4) a contract for the acquisition of electrical energy from renewable sources in the ACL (Free Contracting Environment). 

With this, the department must save around R$ 48 million by 2029, in addition to generating a emission reduction of CO2 by 15 thousand tons.

The lot sold in January by about R$ 50 million by CPFL Brasil Energy Retailer is composed of thirteen UCs (Consumer Units) of Dmae.

Among the UCs are the five main water collection stations, in terms of energy consumption. These are the ETAs (Water Treatment Stations) Menino Deus and Belém Novo, in addition to the Ebab (Raw Water Pumping Stations) São João, Moinhos de Vento and Menino Deus.

About the contract

The contract provides for the purchase of around 209 MWh for Group A facilities, the energy will be of the 50% incentive type. 

In addition, the contract also includes adjustments to the UCs, measurement and billing system, management, certification of carbon credits and contractual expenses with the CCEE (Electric Energy Trading Chamber).

The Dmae working group carried out consumption and cost surveys in 2023. Then, together with the SMF (Municipal Finance Secretariat), it concluded the term of reference for the electronic auction bidding notice in January 2024.

“The Municipal Finance Department is responsible for ensuring efficiency in the management of financial resources throughout the city. In this context, the participation of our Spend Quality Team was fundamental in identifying the areas and solutions presented in the study, which prioritized cost reduction without compromising Dmae's operational effectiveness. The predicted savings of more than R$ 48 million over five years of the contract is a significant result and demonstrates the positive impact of municipal financial management”, said the head of the SMF, Rodrigo Fantinel.

“The percentage decrease in the cost of electrical energy represents a large reduction in absolute values, since energy is the input that holds the largest amount of resources for the Department. These resources can now be used to replace old electrical equipment, improvements to Dmae's industrial park and other energy efficiency actions such as installing frequency inverters and purchasing pumps with better performance”, stated Maurício Loss, general director of Dmae.

The adjustments will be the responsibility of CPFL Brasil, with the modality being implemented in April 2024.

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Picture of Frederico Tapia
Frederico Tapia
Journalism student at UNESP on the Bauru campus. He has experience in producing journalistic articles.

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