DPS: the airbag of photovoltaic systems

The quality of this product is important for the safe operation of PV systems
15 minute(s) of reading
DPS: o airbag dos sistemas fotovoltaicos

Let's talk about safety and quality. Two things that always go together and are important when we talk about DPS (Surge Protection Devices), the air bag of photovoltaic installations.

Imagine the following scene: you go to a car store and the salesperson offers two options of the same vehicle with different safety accessories.

Option 1 comes equipped with a air bag of a well-known brand and with an international certificate of conformity. Option 2 has a air bag generic, slightly cheaper and without any certificate.

The seller argues that the air bag It's going to be used, so you can take it with you. You are satisfied with the recommendation and leave the store happy with the car from option 2, with the certainty of having made a good deal.

The scene narrated above seems impossible, but it happens every day in the photovoltaic solar energy market: the seller pushes a string box which has a surge protector device that, in addition to being harmless, can be dangerous.

DPS can be considered the air bag of photovoltaic systems for two reasons. Firstly, it is a safety item. It is the device that handles the shock and protects the equipment when an atmospheric discharge occurs close to the installation.

Secondly, it is an item that cannot be tested. You can't fire the air bag to see if it works. If you have a air bag in your car, it better be the best air bag from the market. The same thing can be said about the DPS that equips the string boxes (boxes strings) of photovoltaic systems.

What's inside string box? Basically it is a box or an electrical panel where connections are made to the strings photovoltaics, that is, direct current circuits.

One string box basic has at least one disconnector switch and one DPS. If the string box is prepared to receive three or more strings, fuses will also be needed to protect the photovoltaic modules against reverse current.

Why is the market flooded with string boxes assembled with generic components?

Many photovoltaic kit suppliers provide good quality modules and inverters but slip up when it comes to string box, whose cost corresponds to a tiny fraction of the total value of the system.

If we look inside the string box Let's realize that DPS corresponds to a small part of the cost of this box. Moral of the story: the cost of DPS is practically negligible in a photovoltaic system and the savings are not justified.

The DPS seen from the inside

The DPS is a relatively simple device. All DPS on the market are (almost) the same, except for small details that make all the difference. The device is basically a plastic box that contains a varistor or in some cases a spark gap. The most used in photovoltaic systems only has the varistor.

The function of the varistor is to divert the electrical current and absorb the energy from voltage surges, thus protecting the equipment that is connected to the electrical installation. Voltage surges are normally caused by atmospheric discharges, a phenomenon that often causes unprotected electronic devices to burn.

Figura 1: Varistor (elemento azul) alojado no interior da caixa plástica de um DPS. O varistor é um componente eletrônico que absorve surtos elétricos. É o componente principal do DPS
Figure 1: Varistor (blue element) housed inside the plastic box of a DPS. The varistor is an electronic component that absorbs electrical surges. It is the main component of DPS

Differentiating the surge protectors on the market

Much of what can be said about surge protectors from one brand or another, without proper regulatory guidance and without laboratory evidence, can border on simple “guesswork”.

According to information I gathered from my colleague Sérgio Santos, electrical engineer at Lambda Consultoria, the installation standards involving DPS are the ABNT NBR 5410:2008, Low voltage electrical installations and ABNT NBR 5419:2015, Protection against atmospheric discharges.

The DPS product standard is ABNT NBR IEC 61643-1:2007 Low Voltage Surge Protective Devices Part 1: Protective Devices Connected to Low Voltage Power Distribution Systems – Performance Requirements and Test Methods. In Brazil we only have the first part of this standard, but there are several other parts in the corresponding IEC standard.

He also added that DPS are not products with compulsory certification by INMETRO (National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology), like circuit breakers, for example.

For this reason, several DPS manufactured in Brazil are said to 'comply with the ABNT NBR IEC 61643-1:2007 standard', 'according to the ABNT NBR IEC 61643-1:2007 standard'. But the manufacturer who certified his product should write 'certified according to ABNT NBR IEC 61643-1:2007' and present the corresponding certificate.

In summary, according to the above, there is an international IEC standard that is partially adopted in Brazil, but certification is not compulsory. So, what we observe is the entry of products into the Brazilian market without any criteria. The manufacturer may simply declare that it meets the standards or may declare nothing.

It is important for consumers to request a certificate of international conformity for products, as we do not have a compulsory certification program for these devices in Brazil. Good manufacturers, who have nothing to fear, will certainly volunteer to provide this documentation.

Below we see an example of a certificate of conformity for a DPS for photovoltaic applications, issued by an accredited international laboratory.

Figura 2: Certificado de conformidade de um DPS para aplicações fotovoltaicas de acordo com a norma IEC 61643
Figure 2: Certificate of conformity of a DPS for photovoltaic applications according to IEC 61643

Arc extinguishing and fire protection device

An important aspect of commercially available surge protection devices is their ability to extinguish the electric arc and prevent fires.

Devices that do not have this feature would, in principle, require the use of external fuses, which makes installations more complex. If these fuses are not available, it is recommended (if not mandatory) to use an internal device.

This problem of arc extinction and the possibility of fire is related to the end of the device's useful life. The DPS internal varistor has a limited lifespan and can only be used a limited number of times.

After several actuations absorbing electrical surges, the varistor begins to have its impedance reduced, causing a current leak through the device.

This leakage current will at some point reach a critical level and could cause a short circuit and melt the DPS, as occurs quite frequently in installations.

When melted, the DPS may cause an electric arc, creating a principle of fire. This situation must be avoided in photovoltaic installations.

Figura 3: Dispositivo de proteção e surto derretido devido à circulação de corrente pelo varistor
Figure 3: Protection device and surge melted due to current circulation through the varistor

To avoid the problems mentioned above, the leakage current through the varistor must be interrupted in some way. In other words, the varistor must be eliminated from the circuit until it can be replaced with a new one.

The varistor removal system found in practically all surge protectors on the market consists of a metal contact associated with a spring. Circulating leakage current melts a solder point and allows the contact to open like a switch. The system is very ingenious, but there are some dangers here.

Figura 4: A – Vista interna de um DPS genérico ainda dentro do seu período de vida útil. B – Vista interna de um DPS com o contato aberto ao final de sua vida útil. C – Varistor (azul) alojado no lado oposto do DPS
Figure 4: A – Internal view of a generic DPS still within its useful life. B – Internal view of a DPS with the contact open at the end of its useful life. C – Varistor (blue) housed on the opposite side of the DPS

The melt rupture method is not very predictable and depends on the quality of the weld. The DPS devices I have had the opportunity to open appear to be handmade – they have a homemade look and inspire little confidence.

Okay, you can say “It’s just your opinion.” True, it's just my opinion, as I haven't carried out tests with these devices. And it's not even my job to do it. For this, there are technical standards and accredited certification laboratories.

After my opinion in the previous paragraph, let's analyze a fact (which is not an opinion, but a true fact): opening the contact shown in the figure may not be fast enough to prevent a fire.

Opening the contact, as seen in Figure 4A, will cause an electric arc due to the nature of the circuit. We are talking about a direct current photovoltaic system, with voltages typically between 500V and 1500V. We have the perfect scenario for a fire here and it will almost always happen, sooner or later.

Figura 5: O DPS genérico é uma das causas de incêndios nos sistemas fotovoltaicos
Figure 5: Generic DPS is one of the causes of fires in photovoltaic systems

No one buys a DPS thinking about the day it will stop working, just as no one buys a car thinking about using the air bag. But you have to consider: when you need DPS, it better work.

And it's also good that he doesn't put his life or assets at risk. I still don't know of reports of people who died because of poor quality DPS, but there are lots of systems burning, with great losses for their owners.

The figure below shows a DPS of the “D” brand, of superior quality.

NOTE: I will not mention brand names in this article, this way I maintain the impartiality of my opinions and avoid my email inbox receiving the usual legal notices from manufacturers who feel uncomfortable. Unfortunately, there are companies that invest more in their legal department than in their engineering department. Nothing against lawyers (they are necessary in many cases and, as with the airbag and DPS, you better have a good one), but engineering is key in this case. Companies that do not invest in research and development and are afraid of criticism and technical opinions should be banned from the market. And no one better than the consumer to provoke this ban.

Figura 6: Vista interna de um DPS em uso, ainda dentro do seu período de vida útil. B – Vista interna de um DPS com o contato aberto ao final de sua vida útil. O derretimento do ponto de solda dispara a abertura do contato com a força da mola. A peça giratória muda de posição e inibe a passagem da corrente pelo circuito original. O contato metálico (ao lado direito) ativa o circuito de bypass. C – Varistor (azul) alojado no lado oposto do DPS e fusível de extinção de arco elétrico presente no circuito de bypass
Figure 6: Internal view of a DPS in use, still within its useful life. B – Internal view of a DPS with the contact open at the end of its useful life. The melting of the soldering point triggers the opening of the contact with the force of the spring. The rotating part changes position and inhibits the current from passing through the original circuit. The metal contact (on the right side) activates the bypass circuit. C – Varistor (blue) housed on the opposite side of the DPS and electric arc extinguishing fuse present in the bypass circuit

In Figure 6 we see the internal organization of a “D” brand DPS. In photo 6A we see that the same method of loosening by melting solder is used. The difference is what happens afterwards, when contact is interrupted.

In this DPS model, a rotating part, moved by the force of the spring, pushes the metallic contact to the right side and fills the space through which the electric current could pass. When pushed to the right, the metal contact activates the auxiliary circuit. bypass (illustrated in the figure below), where we find a fuse.

This fuse will then interrupt the electrical current safely, as the electric arc will occur inside its housing, without the risk of causing the DPS to melt or fire.

Figura 7: O circuito de bypass é composto por um fusível para a extinção segura do arco elétrico. O fusível e o mecanismo de ativação são encontrados nos protetores da marca “D”
Figure 7: The bypass circuit consists of a fuse for safe extinguishing of the electric arc. The fuse and activation mechanism are found in the “D” mark protectors

Buying a pig in a poke

Respecting the popular maxim, you should be careful with what you find on the market. In addition to the differences shown in the previous section, we still have to deal with the lack of commitment to the truth from some manufacturers.

In the absence of compulsory certification for this product in Brazil, anything can happen in the free-for-all market – the rules of the game are: there are no rules. Below, we see two products from the brands “D” and “S”. They are both cute on the outside, but one of them is ordinary on the inside.

In Figures 9 and 10 we see excerpts from the “D” and “S” brand surge protector catalogs. The first catalog mentions the product's international certificates, provided by accredited laboratories.

The second mentions the IEC 61643 standard, without specifying whether the standard is followed and without providing any indication that the product has a certificate of conformity.

In Figures 11 and 12 we find information about the internal electrical current interruption devices used (or supposedly used) by the two manufacturers. Manufacturer “S” claims to have a system very similar to that of manufacturer “D”, which is patented.

In addition to the information being false, as the “S” brand product clearly does not have this feature – as is evident in the images in Figure 4 – the figures presented in this manufacturer’s catalog appear to have been shamelessly copied from its competitor “D”.

The similarities between the figures are striking. What can we say about a manufacturer that presents false information in its own catalog, claiming to have technology that it does not have?

Figura 8: Dispositivos de proteção de surto (DPS) das marcas “D” e “S”
Figure 8: “D” and “S” brand surge protection devices (DPS)
Figura 9: Trecho do catálogo do DPS da marca “D” com destaque para as aprovações obtidas em laboratórios internacionais acreditados
Figure 9: Excerpt from the “D” brand DPS catalog with emphasis on approvals obtained in accredited international laboratories
Figura 10: Trecho do catálogo do DPS da marca “S” com destaque para a informação falsa sobre a tecnologia de interrupção de corrente. Destaca-se também a informação sobre a norma IEC 61643, que é apenas mencionada sem a apresentação de qualquer certificado
Figure 10: Excerpt from the “S” brand DPS catalog highlighting false information about current interruption technology. Also noteworthy is the information on the IEC 61643 standard, which is only mentioned without presenting any certificate
Figura 11: Trecho do catálogo do DPS da marca “S” com a apresentação de um suposto sistema interno de interrupção de corrente elétrica, que o dispositivo não possui. A informação é claramente falsa
Figure 11: Excerpt from the “S” brand DPS catalog with the presentation of a supposed internal electrical current interruption system, which the device does not have. The information is clearly false
Figura 12: Trecho do catálogo do DPS da marca “D” com a apresentação do seu sistema interno patenteado de interrupção de corrente elétrica com extinção segura de arco
Figure 12: Excerpt from the “D” brand DPS catalog with the presentation of its patented internal system for interrupting electrical current with safe arc extinction


For good experts, half words are enough. If words are not enough, we also have the certificate of conformity, the technical standard, the catalog data and the photographs of the products that were presented in this article.

I ask the reader these final questions:

  • Is it worth using generic surge protectors in photovoltaic installations?
  • Would you buy a vehicle with air bag generic brand just to get a discount less than the price of a pizza?
  • So why do you accept using lower DPS?

A DPS for photovoltaic application of the “S” brand costs around R$ 125 on the market currently (value for the end consumer). The same “D” brand product, with all the advantages it offers, costs just 30% more.

This represents a saving of around R$ 40, which certainly does not justify the use of an inferior product, which will put the photovoltaic system at risk.

In photovoltaic systems found in Brazil, there are many problems, ranging from gross design errors to installation failures. Using poor quality surge protectors is yet another problem we encounter. This occurs largely due to consumer misinformation or even a lack of knowledge on the part of resellers and distributors.

This article has shown that surge protection devices are not all the same and the quality of this product is important for the safe operation of photovoltaic systems, without this representing a significant increase in the overall value of the installation.

Picture of Marcelo Villalva
Marcelo Villalva
Specialist in photovoltaic systems. Professor and researcher at the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering (FEEC) at UNICAMP. Coordinator of LESF - Energy and Photovoltaic Systems Laboratory at UNICAMP. Author of the book "Photovoltaic Solar Energy - Concepts and Applications".

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