More public policies are needed for Brazil to have cheaper energy

Castello Branco, state deputy in SP for 4 years, emphasizes the importance of measures that encourage renewable energy
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Canal Solar É preciso mais iniciativas para o brasileiro ter uma energia mais barata
Castello Branco is one of those responsible for articulating the decree that granted exemption from ICMS for GD in SP

Currently, energy supply is poor and expensive in Brazil. To reduce this cost in the pocket of the Brazilian consumer, there must be more public and economic policies that encourage the use of renewable sources, such as solar.

This is the assessment of the state deputy Castello Branco, who served as a parliamentarian for four years and is one of those responsible for articulating Decree No. 67,521/2023 that granted ICMS exemption for micro and mini electrical energy generators and other types of DG (distributed generation) in energy compensation until December 31, 2024.

According to Castello Branco, there were three years of intense work on this topic. “We started in 2020, just before the pandemic, working on the concept of sustainable and clean energy, including solar energy. We were lucky and blessed to get to know Movimento Solar Livre from which, combining efforts in very professional work, we were finally able to draft a bill to reduce ICMS at the origin and resale of all equipment and materials linked to energy. photovoltaic”, he said in an interview with Canal Solar.

The former parliamentarian, who currently works as an advisor to senator Marcos Pontes (PL), reports that he had the support of Hewerton Martins, president of Movimento Solar Livre and Anderson Mendonça, an activist from The Power of the Sun and leader of the MSL in the state of São Paulo.

“As entrepreneurs and integrators in the photovoltaic sector, we are on the front line generating direct and indirect jobs and defending the rights of our customers so that they can generate energy in their homes without being wrongly taxed”, highlighted Mendonça.

In a meeting with businessman Luiz Scagnolato, CEO of Spec Energy, Castello Branco commented on how the solar source can be a great ally of the Public Power, where it will contribute to bringing sustainable and economical electrical energy to the Brazilian population, bringing socioeconomic benefits to everyone municipalities in Brazil.

Picture of Ericka Araújo
Ericka Araújo
Head of journalism at Canal Solar. Presenter of Papo Solar. Since 2020, it has been following the photovoltaic market. He has experience in podcast production, interview programs and writing journalistic articles. In 2019, he received the 2019 Tropical Journalist Award from SBMT and the FEAC Journalism Award.

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