Ecori donates photovoltaic equipment to the QuiloWatt do Bem project

The project brings renewable energy to civil society organizations

Ecori Energia Solar donated, through the QuiloWatt do Bem project, a photovoltaic kit – modules, micro inverters, communicators, cables and fixing structure – to two units of the NGO Aldeias Infantiles SOS Brasil, located in Rio Bonito (SP) and Poá (SP).

Now, the QuiloWatt do Bem project is looking for a partner company to install the donated equipment. Currently, each NGO unit spends, on average, R$ 2 thousand per month on electricity.

“This initiative enhances not only a social vision in favor of the community, but above all an environmental attitude, which will allow us to contribute to a welcoming and, above all, protective environment”, says Carlos Silva, territorial manager of Aldeias Infantis SOS Brasil in Sao Paulo.

With the donation made by Ecori Energia Solar, the resources saved by the organization from the electricity bill will be used to cover food and materials. “Participating in this initiative gives us the opportunity to make everything we believe tangible, taking beyond clean energy, the opportunity to transform electricity expenses into new opportunities for those who need it most”, comments Arthur Santini, director of Ecori Energia Solar.

“Ecori Energia Solar is the first distributor that agreed to be a partner of QuiloWatt do Bem. It is a company that really cares about the third sector”, says Ricardo Honório, the creator of the QuiloWatt do Bem project.

QuiloWatt do Bem Project

The idea of the project, created four years ago, is to bring renewable energy to civil society organizations that do not have the financial means to pay for the installation of a photovoltaic system through donations from partner companies. With this, the benefited entities can redirect the money saved on their energy bills to improve their services.

According to the NGO, the donated equipment is stored until it reaches sufficient kilowatts to meet the needs of one of the entities registered in the project. When the quantity of equipment is reached, the QuiloWatt do Bem project team looks for a partner company to install the photovoltaic system in the selected organization.

After installation, the chosen NGO is monitored by the project and will remain with the donated photovoltaic system while activities are maintained and accountability for the allocation of resources is maintained. The project seeks contributions from companies in the solar sector, companies from other areas and individuals. When a company or person contracts a photovoltaic solar energy project from a project partner company, they can choose to pay a few extra kilowatts and donate them to the project.

The donating company receives a stamp, which can be used in its advertising actions for one year. Companies and individuals who contribute a monthly amount to maintain the administrative part of the project receive a membership badge. “If everyone donates a little, we can create a distribution of solar energy in the third sector, which would perhaps be the last to receive energy from renewable sources”, says Honório.

Picture of Redação do Canal Solar
Canal Solar editorial team
Text produced by Canal Solar journalists.

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