Ecori, Huawei and Unicamp form a partnership to promote studies on AFCI

Distributor donated 5 kW Huawei inverter to LESF, which is developing research on electric arc
16-09-22-canal-solar-Ecori, Huawei e Unicamp firmam parceria para fomentar estudos sobre AFCI
5 kW Huawei inverter donated to LESF. Photo: Reproduction

A Ecori Solar Energy held, this Friday (16) in Campinas (SP), the donation of an inverter Huawei 5 kW of power for the LESF (Energy and Photovoltaic Systems Laboratory), which is linked to the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Unicamp.

According to Marcelo Villalva, professor and researcher at Unicamp and coordinator of the LESF, the inverter will help to study and understand the functioning of the electric arc detection and interruption circuit of the equipment.

“This is part of a Scientific study that we are developing on methods of AFCI and testing procedures”, explained Villalva.

Electric arc protection in photovoltaic inverters

“The donation allows us to stimulate research into one of the main safety points in a photovoltaic system, with the electric arc detection and interruption. We are happy to be part of this process”, added João Souza, technical engineer at Ecori.

In addition to these, Rodrigo Matias, commercial director at Ecori, and Nelson Stanisci, Solutions manager at Huawei Digital Power Brasil, were also present at the meeting.

About LESF

The university's laboratory carries out research and is designated by Inmetro for certification of photovoltaic inverters and modules.

One of the lines of action is the creation of a procedure for testing the performance and quality of inverters with the aim of comparing various equipment sold in the Brazilian market and creating a “ranking” of such products.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Matthew Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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