Public call notice opens opportunities for companies in the solar sector

Enel Brasil program will finance energy efficiency projects in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Ceará
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Edital de chamada pública abre oportunidades para empresas do setor solar
Companies that serve consumers in residential, commercial and similar classes are eligible to participate in the notice. Photo: Freepik

A Enel Brasil, one of the private groups in the Brazilian electricity sector, launched a public call (CPP 01/2023) for the financing of projects energy efficiency in the group’s three distributors in the country. 

Until the day July 3, 2024, customers of Enel concessionaires in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Ceará, who meet the requirements described in the notice, will be able to register their energy efficiency projects. 

In all, R$ 38 million will be made available, with R$ 12 million for public lighting initiatives and R$ 26 million for projects of other types, including solar energy. 

Financed by the PEE (Energy Efficiency Program) of ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency), the public call seeks to make the project selection process more transparent and democratic, informed Enel Brasil.

O full notice is available for consultation by consumers interested in the websites of Enel It's from PEE

How to participate?

They are Theable to participate in the public consultation customers from the commercial and service, industrial, residential, rural, public power, public service and public lighting classes. The execution of the selected projects is scheduled to take place in 2025.

Proposals may cover topics such as: exchanging equipment for more efficient models, modernizing driving systems, installing solar heaters and photovoltaic systems, modernization of lighting and refrigeration systems, among others. 

A selection will go through an analysis and classification phase, considering mandatory documentation, quality of initiatives, proposal development and innovative actions. 

O evaluation process follows methodology defined by ANEEL, through a judging committee, which will analyze and score the projects submitted according to the criteria established in the notice.

“By opening space for innovative energy efficiency initiatives, we seek to support projects that result not only in economic advantages, but also in positive impacts for society and the environment,” said Márcia Massotti, director of sustainability at Enel Brasil.

According to the executive, the The company seeks in its annual public consultations to select and support proposals that meet and incorporate, in addition to the energy demands of customers, innovative and sustainable practices, aligned with the company's commitments to SDG (Sustainable Development Goals) of UN (United Nations Organization).

“We want to go beyond the traditional with Public Call projects, by seeking initiatives that boost not only the energy sector, but also sustainability and people's quality of life”, she highlighted. 

In São Paulo, the value of proposed projects could be from R$ 1 million to R$ 4 million. Already in Rio de Janeiro, the projects will have values between R$ 400 thousand and R$ 800 thousand. At the Ceará, contributions to projects may vary between R$ 250 thousand and R$ 500 thousand.


At the first half of 2024, the distributor will carry out the public call for projects workshop, with the aim of publicizing the investments made by the company annually, in addition to presenting some innovative projects already included in previous editions and clarifying any doubts regarding the notice.

O PEE of Enel distributors in Brazil has existed since 1998 and has already invested, with its three distributors, around R$ 1.7 billion in 943 projects focused on efficient energy consumption in equipment, electrical installations, processes, educational activities and end uses for its customers.

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Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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