Amid rising gasoline prices, sales of EVs continue to rise in Brazil

According to ABVE, more than 30 thousand electric vehicles should be sold by the end of the year
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09-09-21-canal-solar-Em meio altas no preço da gasolina, venda de VEs segue em alta no Brasil

Data from IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) showed that, recently, Brazilians faced the ninth increase in gasoline in the year (27.5%). Considering the last 12 months, it is 37% more expensive.

Furthermore, according to the ANP (National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels), the price of a liter of regular gasoline already exceeds R$ 7 in at least four Brazilian states: Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul, Acre and Tocantins. 

Therefore, the instability of fuel prices makes consumers pay attention to a global trend: EVs (electric vehicles) and hybrids, whose sales continue to grow and break records in Brazil. 

Read more: Gas stations adhere to the use of solar energy

According to data from Fenabrave (National Federation of Motor Vehicle Distributors), the 13,899 electrified vehicles registered in the first half of 2021 represent 1.4% of the total of 1,006,685 vehicles sold on the domestic market between January and June.

Until the first six months of this year, June had been the best month in the ABVE (Brazilian Electric Vehicle Association) historical series, with 3,507 registrations, surpassing May's result (3,102), and 2% of market share (total of 169,589 units). This share, however, has already been surpassed by sales in July, which reached a market share of 2.2%.

The 13,899 cars registered in the first half indicate that ABVE's initial target of 28,000 electrified cars by the end of the year will be exceeded. Sales are expected to exceed 30 thousand, which means an increase of more than 50% over the 19,745 in 2020 – which, in turn, was 66% higher than the 11,861 in 2019.

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The total fleet of electrified vehicles in circulation in Brazil reached 56,168 cars (2012 to June 2021). According to Adalberto Maluf, president of ABVE, one of the highlights of the numbers for the first six months of this year is the significant growth in the sale of electric 100% light commercial vehicles.

BYD alone, for example, sold 102 electric ET3 vans in the period – it was the second best-selling BEV (Battery Electric Vehicle) model of the year.

Read more: BYD launches new version of the 100% electric van in Brazil

“We have seen great growth in the electrification of urban freight transport with green logistics, on the one hand, due to the work of companies that advance their ESG agendas (acronym for Environmental, Social and Governance) and, on the other, through the leadership of city halls such as São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, which promote increasingly sustainable cities”, said Maluf. 

The executive recalled, however, that, despite the segment's continued growth, Brazil is far from the main global markets in terms of transport electrification.

“We reached 2% of market share in June and 2.2% in July. These are important brands, but the global average is 4.6%, according to the International Energy Agency – and this 4.6% does not include non-plug-in hybrids”, he added. 

“Therefore, we have to advance much further, at the risk of Brazil falling behind in the global race for electromobility. It is Brazilian industry and the jobs of the future that are at stake”, he concluded. 

Picture of Mateus Badra
Mateus Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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