Company plans investments of R$ 3 billion in the construction of a solar complex in CE

Project will generate 1,500 direct jobs during the peak of work in the municipalities of Sobral and Santana do Acaraú
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Empresa prevê investimentos de R$ 3 bi na construção de complexo solar no CE
Government of Ceará in a meeting with representatives of Cubico Sustainable Investments. Photo: Disclosure

A Cubico Sustainable Investments, a global investment company in renewable energy, plans to invest around R$ 3 billion in the construction of the Sobral Complex, in the interior of Ceará, which will be one of the five largest photovoltaic projects in Brazil.

This Monday, the State governor, Elmano de Freitas (PT), announced, on his social networks, that met with company representatives, at the Abolition Palace, in Fortaleza (CE).

The meeting served to discuss more details about the generator park, which is expected to enter commercial operation in the second half of 2025. 

With capacity installed in more than 1 GW, the venture promises to generate more than “1.5 thousand direct jobs during the peak of work in the municipalities of Sobral and Santana do Acaraú”, wrote the governor. 

Read too:

A Cubico Sustainable Investments is a multinational that works with renewable energy projects in Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, Uruguay, United States, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain, United Kingdom and Australia.

In its portfolio, the company includes onshore wind, solar photovoltaic, solar thermal and transmission and distribution line technologies, covering the entire energy chain, from development to operation.

Renewable sources in Ceará

Currently, the Ceará is one of the Brazilian states that has a potential significant for the promotion of renewable sources, such as solar and wind energy, in the country. 

According to FIEC (Federation of Industries of the State of Ceará), municipalities in Ceará have the potential to generate more than 643 GW of Photovoltaics; 94 GW of wind energy onshore and 117 GW of offshore wind energy. 

In addition to these energy sources, the state is also becoming an important green hydrogen hub, with the Port of Pecém being the main point of this development, with investment agreements reaching US$ 30 billion. 

Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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