ENEL Goiás opens public call for energy efficiency projects

With a budget of R$ 5 million, the investment is aimed at ideas that aim to reduce electricity bills
ENEL Goiás abre chamada pública de projetos para eficiência energética

Enel Goiás opened a Public Call for Projects for energy efficiency in the state, with the purpose of selecting proposals for energy efficiency projects and rational use of electrical energy to integrate the ENEL Distribuição Goiás Energy Efficiency Program.

With a budget of R$ 5 million, the CPP (Public Call for Projects) is aimed at financing ideas that aim to reduce the energy bills of businesses, industries, institutions, public entities or municipalities. 

All project proposals presented must be aimed at customers served in the distributor's concession area, consumer units that submit their projects by November 17th.

Customers from the commercial, industrial, residential, public power, public service and public lighting classes can register. The final publication of the results of the Public Call for Projects will take place on February 18, 2022. And the execution of the selected projects is expected to take place between 2022 and 2023. 

Energy Efficiency Program

The Energy Efficiency Program has existed since 1999 and has already invested approximately R$ 164 million in 116 projects focused on efficient energy consumption in equipment, electrical installations, processes, educational activities and end uses of its customers.

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Canal Solar editorial team
Text produced by Canal Solar journalists.

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