Enel-SP is fined R$ 13 million by the National Consumer Secretariat

In recent months, residents of São Paulo have experienced a series of problems with their energy supply
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Enel-SP é multada em R$ 13 mi pela Secretaria Nacional do Consumidor
Enel-SP informed that it will have to appeal the penalty. Photo: Reproduction

A National Consumer Secretariat, a body linked to the Ministry of Justice and Public Security, fined the Enel-SP more than R$ 13 million by the recurring problems in the electricity supply and delay in restoring service. 

A decision he was published in the DOU (Official Gazette of the Union) this Tuesday (04). The total amount of the stipulated penalty is R$ 13,067,441.04. 

In a note sent to the press, the Enel-SP informed that it will have to appeal the penalty. 

“The company reaffirms its commitment to consumers in the concession areas in which it operates and informs that, in the period 2024-2026, it will invest in Brazil around R$ 18 billion, of which 80% will be allocated to energy distribution, reinforcing its long-term commitment deadline with the country”, highlighted the company. 

Lack of electricity 

In recent months, the residents of the São Paulo Metropolitan Region began to live with a series of problems in the electricity supply. 

The most serious case occurred in November last year, when neighborhoods in the capital of São Paulo were left without access to electricity for days after a strong storm. At the peak of the crisis, more than 2 million consumer units were left without power. 

This year, new supply failures have also affected the population's daily lives, with emphasis on a blackout that occurred on February 18th in the central region of São Paulo.

The problem caused losses to more than 35 thousand residents, affecting hospitals, commerce and other activities. In some regions, power supply lasted for more than 24 hours.

In the first week of April, the Minister of Mines and Energy, Alexandre Silveira, ordered Aneel (National Electric Energy Agency) to opening of disciplinary proceedings to investigate what he called “repeated transgressions” by the dealership in São Paulo.

Fined by ANEEL

At first week of February, The ANEEL applied a fine of R$ 165.8 million to Enel per failures in service provision, especially in the blackout of November 2023.

According to the Regulatory Agency, the distributor failed to comply with the concession contract for the São Paulo electricity network by not guaranteeing energy to residents affected by the storm that hit the city.

In addition ANEEL found that there was a delay on the part of the distributor in allocating teams to respond to the incident.

A distributor requested cancellation of the fine, claiming that the winds were atypical and that she worked as quickly as possible to get services back up and running normally, but had the resource denied by the Agency.

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Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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