More than 470 thousand consumer units have their services interrupted in RS, says ANEEL

Agency publishes bulletin with updates on the floods and the number of customers affected by the distributor in the State
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470 mil unidades consumidoras estão serviços interrompidos no Rio Grande do Sul, diz ANEEL
Heavy rains have been hitting Rio Grande do Sul since last week. Photo: ANEEL/Disclosure

A ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency) released, this Sunday (5), a report card with updates about floods and occurrences on the network of electrical energy of distributors of Rio Grande do Sul due to the heavy rains that have hit the State since last week.

According to the Regulatory Body, the dams at the Bugres Hydroelectric Plant changed the safety level emergency for attention.

There was also shutdown during the early hours of the Pampa Sul thermal plant and the distribution of 470 thousand consumer units whose services are interrupted. 

Check it out below the situation of some dams in the State, according to the ANEEL bulletin:

Dams in a state of attention:

  • Bugres (Blang Dam and border);
  • Canasta;
  • Castro Alves;
  • Furnas do Segredo;
  • Monte Claro.

Dams in a state of emergency:

  • July 14th;
  • Fork Jump.

According to the Agency, due to floods, Nova Santa Rita substation remains offline, which left 16 important transmission lines out of operation.

“This weakens the connection between transmission systems and leaves the remaining systems overloaded and more susceptible to new contingencies that could lead to load shedding”, informs the bulletin.

Balance of distributors

At RGE, around 272 thousand customers were interrupted until 11am this Sunday, which is equivalent to 8.9% of the concessionaire's customers. In total, 40 municipalities have had their supply completely interrupted.

The most affected regions are: Vale do Taquari (113.8 thousand); Rio Pardo (33.3 thousand​); Serra (27.9 thousand) Vale dos Sinos (45 thousand); Central (21.2 thousand) and Planalto (18 thousand).

At CEEE Equatorial There are around 157 thousand customers with interrupted services, of which 141 thousand are disconnected for security reasons or are in areas where access is restricted.

All municipalities in the concession area were impacted and the most affected regions are Alvorada, Guaíba, Pelotas and Porto Alegre.

In addition to the two distributors, ANEEL pointed out that in its bulletin that around 44 thousand ANEEL customers Centerl Cooperative It was also without power distribution services interrupted until 11am this Sunday.

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Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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