Investments in solar energy reach R$ 200 billion in Brazil

Photovoltaic source already has more than 42 GW of installed capacity in the country, according to data from ABSOLAR
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Investimentos em energia solar chegam a R$ 200 bilhões no Brasil
Centralized solar energy plant in Bahia. Photo: Enel Green Power/Reproduction

You investments public and private in solar energy surpassed the mark R$ 200 billion in Brazil, show data from ABSOLATE (Brazilian Photovoltaic Solar Energy Association).  

Altogether, renewable technology already adds more than 42 GW of installed capacity since the beginning of the expansion of the source in the country, including large plants and own energy generation systems. 

At the DG segment (distributed generation), there are more than R$ 142 billion in accumulated investments, in addition to 28.9 GW of installed power and more than 867 thousand green jobs created throughout the national territory. 

Already in GC segment (centralized generation), solar energy has more than 13.5 GW of power in operation, with around R$ 58.4 billion in investments and more than 407.4 thousand green jobs created. 

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ABSOLAR data also shows that, only this year, The solar source has already added more than 5.4 GW to the national electricity matrix, further expanding the national role of the source in the decarbonization of the economy and the fight against global warming. 

“Solar energy is one of the most competitive sources, and the fastest growing. Whoever invests can save up to 90% on their energy bill, with a quick return on investment, as the system price fell by more than 50% last year”, comments Ronaldo Koloszuk, president of the board of directors of ABSOLAR.  

Rodrigo Sauaia, CEO of the entity, highlights that – in addition to accelerating the decarbonization of economic activities and helping to combat global warming – the solar source has been playing an increasingly strategic role for “the competitiveness of productive sectors, relief for the family budget, energy independence and prosperity of nations”, he highlighted.

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Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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