Solar energy will be used to eliminate carbon emissions in São Paulo 

Photovoltaic source is one of the solutions found by the municipality to achieve CO₂ neutrality by 2050 
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For City Hall, all efforts to reduce carbon emissions to zero are justified. Photo: Disclosure/Government of SP

Achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 will be São Paulo City Hall’s main environmental commitment. According to the agency, of the 43 measures foreseen in the municipality's climate action plan (PlanClima SP), 18 were designed and written with the aim of eliminating carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere.

Among them is the adoption of renewable sources – especially solar energy – to replace fossil fuels in urban mobility and in residential, commercial, institutional and industrial parking lots, for lighting and to improve the energy efficiency of buildings.

According to the local government, all the measures listed must be adopted as soon as possible and as effectively as possible so that, by 2030, there will be a reduction of 50% in emissions and, by 2050, there will be an end to greenhouse gases in the metropolis.

Despite the ambitious plan, the City Hall highlights, however, that the transformation of a more sustainable city also depends on the engagement of companies and the population.

In the municipality's understanding, all efforts to eliminate carbon emissions as quickly as possible are justified not only in relation to climate change, but also due to the important additional benefits that the actions provide, whether economic, social or environmental.

PlanClima SP

Developed in partnership with the international network of cities C40, PlanClima SP seeks to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and adapt the capital of São Paulo to the impacts of climate change.

C40 brings together megacities from different parts of the world committed to tackling climate change. The objective is to encourage international cooperation between large cities and support them in adopting ambitious climate measures, making the world a more sustainable place.

São Paulo adhered to the Deadline 2020 commitment – Letter of Commitment to the Paris Agreement, proposed by C40, in 2018. The plan was then developed, approved by the international network in December 2020 and officially launched in Brazil on June 3 of this year.

The document consists of 43 priority actions, divided into five strategies: towards zero carbon in 2050 (made up of 18 actions); adapt today's city for tomorrow (consisting of 11 actions); protect people and property (7 actions); Atlantic Forest, we need you (3 actions); and generate sustainable work and wealth (4 actions).

Check out the 18 measures considered priorities by the municipality towards zero carbon:

  1. Regulate the adoption of energy efficiency criteria in buildings in accordance with national energy conservation programs.
  2. Prepare studies on energy consumption patterns in the Municipality of São Paulo, for the adoption of general energy efficiency measures.
  3. Mobilize efforts to promote the production and distribution of energy from renewable sources and distributed generation, as well as improving the energy efficiency of equipment.
  4. Implement energy efficiency criteria and indicators when purchasing goods, contracting services or works by the municipal public administration.
  5. Establish standards for improving ventilation and natural lighting measures in social housing developments (HIS).
  6. Encourage the reduction of home-work distances in order to minimize the demand for transport services.
  7. Increase the attractiveness of the municipal bus system in order to promote this mode of transport.
  8. Promote the use of bicycles as a common means of transport, through the expansion of infrastructure and awareness and communication strategies.
  9. Promote the gradual replacement of municipal bus fleets with zero-emission vehicles.
  10. Establish a Zero Emission Zone on the perimeter of the Mini Beltway.
  11. Ensure that 100% of the fleet used by the City Council (or outsourced) is zero emissions in 2040.
  12. Institute legislation to promote the distribution of fractional loads with zero-emission vehicles within the city perimeter.
  13. Implementation of a network of mini logistics terminals (MTL) in partnership with the private sector.
  14. Improve regulations on sharing, parking and charging electric or zero-emission vehicles.
  15. Universalize coverage of the selective dry waste collection service.
  16. Maximize composting processes.
  17. Implement eco parks.
  18. Include in the mandate of the Municipal Water Authority, in the structuring process, the periodic reporting of operating data and monitoring of activities that generate greenhouse gases, especially in relation to sewage, by the water and sewage services concessionaire.
Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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