Study profiles the Brazilian photovoltaic sector

Greener research will provide data about the projects in terms of system prices and regulatory impact, for example
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13-07-23-canal-solar-Greener promove novo estudo para traçar perfil do setor FV brasileiro
Solar Market GD Research brings new topics and will be available free of charge. Photo: Freepik

With the aim of drawing up a panorama that helps players in making strategic decisions, the Greener is preparing a new study over the Brazilian photovoltaic market distributed generation.

Counting on the collaboration of integrators from all over the country, GD Search will take stock of the first half of 2023 and provide data on projects regarding the prices of photovoltaic systems, commercial efficiency of companies and also regulatory impact, in addition to pointing out market expectations, trends and challenges for the coming months.

Among the new features, it is possible to point out questions about storage systems, the free energy market, training in the photovoltaic segment, digital sales tools, as well as the deactivation and disposal of modules.

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“The participation of solar market agents in this research is of great value in understanding the reality of the sector, the positive highlights and points of attention in this first semester under Law 14,300”, commented Marcio Takata, director of Greener.

The GD Survey, which can be completed by integrators until July 31st, is part of the Distributed Generation Strategic Study, which will be launched in the first half of September and will be available free of charge on the Greener website.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Mateus Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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