US launches incentive package for solar use in poor communities

The goal is part of the Biden government's larger objective of expanding solar energy generation from the current 4% to 45% by 2050
EUA lança pacote de incentivos para instalação de energia solar distribuída em comunidades pobres
The aim of the project is to save up to US$ 1 billion in electricity costs

Miami, FLORIDA. The United States Department of Energy (DOE) announced last Friday (8) a project that aims to generate solar energy for five million homes by 2025. To achieve this goal, it will be necessary to increase at 700% the installed solar power capacity in the next four years.

The project called National Community Solar Partnership will install solar panels in poor communities, which will be able to use the community-generated solar source. Registered residents will receive part of this energy at home, which will reduce their monthly bill.

The aim of the project is to save up to US$ 1 billion in electricity costs and is part of the Biden administration's goal of increasing solar energy generation from 4% to 45% by 2035.

“This project to generate solar energy for communities is one of the most powerful tools we have to generate clean energy and give these families access to cheap energy, regardless of whether they have solar panels installed on their homes,” said the DOE secretary , Jennifer M. Granholm. “Achieving this ambitious goal will lead to job creation, energy savings and increased clean energy production in the US.”

To reach these communities, the government is offering free technical assistance to regions interested in participating in the project. DOE technicians go to the site, carry out a personalized study and help speed up the installation of these panels. The government has already invested US$ 1 million for technical assistance and, for next year, the expectation is to invest US$ 2 million in the measure.

The launch of the project was celebrated by professionals in the sector. The Coalition for Community Solar Access released a statement on the matter.

“The government's announcement demonstrates the concern and support given by President Biden to strengthen and expand solar energy in our country. DOE's goal of supplying 5 million homes by 2025 is consistent with the advancement of studies on solar energy and its expansion so that it reaches every American home.”

Expansion of solar energy

The Joe Biden administration recently announced an audacious goal of Power up to 45% of American homes with solar energy by 2050. In 2020, the United States installed a record number of solar panels, with 15 GW – of the total 76 GW generated in the country, which today represents 4% of the energy generated (19 million homes with solar energy installed).

A recent study released by the government itself shows that to achieve the goal set out in the president's plan, it will be necessary to quadruple the installation of these panels each year, in addition to making massive investments in clean energy generation policies.

Picture of Ana Paula Franco
Ana Paula Franco
Editor of the newspaper AchoUSA for seven years. Press officer at Castro Legal Group, in Pompano Beach (Florida). Between 2006 and 2012, she worked as a press officer for the Government of Minas Gerais. Correspondent of Canal Solar graduated from PUC Minas, with specialization in public policies from Fundação João Pinheiro. He has lived in Florida (USA) for eight years.

One Response

  1. This is the type of news that should be widely disseminated in the media and reached the federal government and the National Congress. We are still encountering a certain resistance from concessionaires in the processing of projects that reach them for regularization. In our country, there is also a huge contingent of poor people, close to 50 million citizens, such as the communities in favelas and the Brazilian interior that lack any type of energy. The application is vast! Today, we are walking on a knife's edge regarding the availability of electrical energy due to lack of rainfall, especially in the headwaters of the rivers that serve the reservoirs of hydroelectric plants and using expensive and polluting thermoelectric plants. A big nonsense.

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