Leveros executive highlights the importance of qualification in the solar sector

Tiziano Filho also commented on the company's news for this year
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Executivo da Leveros destaca importância da qualificação no setor solar

“Think about professionalization with an important topic for the market as a whole”. This is an analysis by Tiziano Filho, CEO of Leveros. During participation in the podcast Sun Talk, the executive highlighted the importance of qualification in the photovoltaic sector and commented on some of the company's news for 2021.

“We are submitting a training proposal. I hope that our company is seen with this mission”, said Tiziano Filho, highlighting initiatives such as the Solar Channel and from Greener, for example, in the areas of training and research. 

“We want to put together projects to show how the process works. It's no use just talking about how to install an inverter or boards, this is fundamental. However, how does the integrator serve a customer? What are the sales strategies? How does he organize his company and how does he talk about cash flow”, he asked. 

Therefore, according to the expert, it is essential to educate professionals who are opting for this market to ensure that they have longevity in the area, and not enter just as a business opportunity and then, consequently, leave. 

“I made the first solar sale within Leveros. I went there with the client, talked, studied, learned and gave credibility. The photovoltaic energy customer wants to trust that you are someone who will really solve their problem and will do what you promise”, he explained.  

“It’s a feeling of gratitude that I have for participating in this sector. We understand that this segment is no longer part of the future, it is part of a clear reality. And becoming a professional to be part of it is the key to having the continuity I expected. This is the flag that, from our learnings, we want to carry over the years to contribute to all distributors, manufacturers, integrators and end customers, making the sector better”, he pointed out. 

Leveros news

Throughout the podcast, Leveros' CEO also commented on the company's news for 2021 and emphasized the launch of a campaign in the air conditioning market, which will be extended to the solar energy sector. Furthermore, the executive informed that between May and June this year, the company will implement an automated sales platform. 

“We are also bringing, for the first time, the concept of virtual currency from Leveros. This currency is being created so that the integrator and the partner can exchange it in a lot of other stores, in addition to generating more business for them with each kit purchase”, he reported. 

For these reasons, according to the businessman, the company is generating a series of incentives. “We are positioning ourselves as a distributor. We have passed this learning phase, we no longer act as integrators. We are preparing to be a distributor that makes a difference, not only selling, but also qualifying”. “This was the transition process, and we have great prospects for 2021. I can say, for example, that this year we have already made almost half of what we made in the entire 2020”, he highlighted.

Entry into the solar market

Leveros, founded in 1978, is known for providing air conditioning services, in addition to operating in the photovoltaic market. But how did it enter this area? 

“I'm working on an air conditioning project through a partner and the end customer who buys is super happy, but the next minute he complains about the electricity bill. So, we started thinking: why not enter the solar segment? The same customer who is buying air conditioning is the same one who will look at energy generation”, explained Tiziano Filho. 

“When we look at the rest of the chain, we already have large service providers, partners who carry out air conditioning installations. However, why don't we also teach them how to install photovoltaic panels, sell projects and work with us to increase their average ticket? Once you climb on the roof to install an air conditioner, you can now take advantage of and assemble all of this, with good qualifications supported by us”, he added. 

According to Tiziano Filho, the company's decision to enter the solar sector, definitively, was in 2019. “I believe that our positioning today is a thought of national action bringing a proposal for professionalization”, he concluded.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Mateus Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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