Expansion of the electricity sector accumulates 3.4 GW by September

According to ANEEL data, Brazil accumulated an expansion of 3,389.07 MW in installed power in 2020
Expansão do setor elétrico acumula 3,4 GW até setembro

According to data from ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency), Brazil accumulated an expansion of 3,389.07 MW in installed power in 2020. By mid-September, 99 plants had been incorporated into the electricity sector.

The highest volume was seen in March, with 1.6 GW in capacity. February had the highest number of plants implemented, with 30 plants.

Since April, with the beginning of measures to combat the Covid-19 pandemic, 59 plants have been incorporated, totaling 1.3 GW. In September, the second lowest authorized volume was registered, with 103.14 MW, behind only January, which registered six plants and 42.52 MW of capacity.

According to ANEEL, the source that contributed most to the increase in installed power in Brazil was thermal, with 49 plants and 1.9 GW installed. In second place comes wind, with 25 parks and 763.47 MW added, and then comes solar photovoltaic, with 14 plants and 532.41 MW.

For 2020, the regulatory agency also estimates 1.4 GW in new plants. If this expectation is confirmed, the year will end with 4,752 MW of new capacity.

According to ANEEL, more than 34 GW of new plants are expected to come into operation in the country over the next few years. The largest volumes are expected for 2022, with 12.4 GW and in 2021, with 7.5 GW. By source, solar is in the lead with 12.8 GW, followed by wind with 10.2 GW.

Picture of Mateus Badra
Mateus Badra
Journalist graduated from PUC-Campinas. He worked as a producer, reporter and presenter on TV Bandeirantes and Metro Jornal. Has been following the Brazilian electricity sector since 2020.

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