Module manufacturer announces its 1st green hydrogen plant

Sengi Solar will invest R$ 50 million in manufacturing unit and solar plant focusing on ammonia production
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Fabricante de módulos anuncia sua 1ª planta de hidrogênio verde
Governor Ratinho Junior and Daniel da Rocha, president of the Tangipar Group companies, signed a protocol of intentions

Sengi Solar, a manufacturer of photovoltaic modules belonging to the Tangipar Group, chose the state of Paraná to deploy your first green hydrogen factory.

O electrolyzer will be powered 100% by solar energy, and according to Sengi, the ability to production will be 66 tons of hydrogen It is 33 tons of oxygen per month.

The company is carrying out a study to verify which will be the best location in the state to establish the factory, since the logistics and security cost are important factors for choosing the location.

O investment is estimated at approximately R$ 50 million. One of the factory's differences is that in addition to hydrogen, the oxygen generated will also be sold.

At first, the Hydrogen produced will be used to manufacture ammonia, basic input for fertilizer production. According to Sengi, the factory will have the capacity to produce the input in both gaseous and liquid form.

The prediction is that the project comes into operation in the second half of 2024. To manufacture green hydrogen, the plant will have electrolysers, compressors, dryers, purifiers and separators. Being capable of producing both high purity hydrogen (99.999%) and oxygen (99.9%).

Incentives for the production of green hydrogen in Paraná

Recently, the governor of Paraná, Carlos Massa Ratinho Júnior, announced a series of measures to create a integrated production promotion policy, research and use of input in the state.

Among the actions are the tax relief on the input production chain, the lines of credit that add up R$ 500 million to foster investments in the sector, the creation of the Uncomplicates H2R, which establishes criteria for environmental licensing of fuel and the law that creates the State Renewable Hydrogen Policy.

“We are leaders in the production of renewable energy in the country and now we want to take the lead in the discussion about green hydrogen, creating a favorable environment to attract investments in this chain to the state”, highlighted Ratinho Junior.

“We are fully qualified to lead this process and be a major energy supplier for Europe and other countries. O Hydrogen uses water as a raw material, which we have in abundance in Paraná”, he added.

Picture of Ericka Araújo
Ericka Araújo
Head of journalism at Canal Solar. Presenter of Papo Solar. Since 2020, it has been following the photovoltaic market. He has experience in podcast production, interview programs and writing journalistic articles. In 2019, he received the 2019 Tropical Journalist Award from SBMT and the FEAC Journalism Award.

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