Financing for solar energy systems: 4 mistakes to avoid

Find out what not to do when requesting credit for the purchase of a photovoltaic kit and avoid a headache
Financiamento para sistemas de energia solar: 4 erros a serem evitados

Purchasing a photovoltaic system represents savings on your electricity bill at the end of the month. However, it is not always possible to make this acquisition in cash, and it is necessary to search the market for a way to make this investment viable.

A common solution is financing for the purchase of photovoltaic kits. However, so that realizing your dream of having a solar system does not turn into a nightmare, it is essential to take some care so as not to make mistakes. See the main ones.

1) Poor communication with the end customer

Before explaining the impact of the failure, let's demonstrate the meaning of five syllables that together form a word that is extremely relevant in our daily lives, communication.

According to the Michaelis dictionary (2021), communication is “an act that involves the transmission and reception of messages between the transmitter and the receiver, through oral, written or gestural language, through agreed systems of signs and symbols.”

It is extremely important to have excellent communication with the end customer (the person who is purchasing the photovoltaic kit). They need to be aware of several aspects of their purchase, as well as being aware of the credit analysis by the financial institution. It is very common for financing proposals to be refused or canceled precisely because the intermediary company did not inform the customer about the contact that the bank will make – as a result, we end up with the result: an immense inconvenience.

As soon as the financial institution's central office contacts its client, there are confirmations to be carried out, such as: conditions of the proposal and linked company. It is exactly at this step that the entire approval potential declines, precisely because the credit analyst informs the corporate name (or trade name) of the distributor and not the installing company,

However, the negotiation falls into the following scenario: the end customer knows about the existence of the intermediary company (installer) that is selling the entire project to him. However, they have no idea who the distributor of the equipment is. Logically, when you receive contact from the bank you will be unaware of the purchase. Once the bank sees that it is not aware of the purchase, it is unlikely that the proposal can be reversed in a short period of time.

The rule is clear: keep your end client informed about queries on their CPF and contacts that financial institutions will make to avoid problems.

2) Outdated data and information

Sometimes it is difficult to collect too much information that financial institutions request, on most occasions intermediary companies (installers) feel uncomfortable asking for documents from the client. However, it is necessary to have updated files in order to avoid errors that could delay the completion of the sale.

After maintaining good communication with the client, simply explain that the requested documents are important and necessary so that time can be optimized and the process more efficient, as well as safe.

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Caveat: in addition to mitigating the importance of documents, here is a tip about the LGPD (general data protection law). You who are reading this article must be aware that you are responsible for file traffic and their security.

3) Make last-minute adjustments that impact the financed amount

It is essential that before sending the financing proposal, the entire project (in terms of values and items) is pre-defined. But why?

Your client is changing their CPF/CNPJ at all times and consequently their financial profile (score) can be modified, in other words, there is no way to guarantee approval for a long time precisely because the risks will never be the same.

The score is an indicator of your financial profile and can be consulted by companies and banks. It is a score between 0 and 1000 that indicates the probability of someone being late or not paying a bill.

This score is considered by financial institutions and companies before granting credit – whether through a card, loan or financing. (Source: NUBANK, 2021)

It is worth mentioning that most financial institutions have rates that vary according to the customer's profile, in other words, it is another point to be aware of, as in the event of a possible adjustment, the approved conditions are unlikely to be the same.

4) Not understanding the dynamics of the chosen financing

It is not necessary to be an expert, however, each financial institution has rules, as well as a hiring flow. Knowing the minimum (and most important) is a differentiator.

For each and every company, autonomy is a point that needs to exist in order to boost sales. If you have at least a brief idea of the steps to be followed, you will save time in the negotiation and be able to give the client confidence. Examples: how sending the proposal works, what the documents are, the invoice rules, payments and other points.

However, always try to avoid the mistakes mentioned above. Seek to establish a good synergy between client and company, as well as excellent communication with everyone involved in the process so that in the event of any modification there are no problems that could harm the commercial relationship between the parties. Don't forget to check out the next ones solar energy industry events to always stay up to date.


Picture of Amanda Barbosa
Amanda Barbosa
Graduated in Foreign Trade from Fatec Barueri – Faculty of Technology of Barueri and Postgraduate in Strategic Administration with a focus on Finance from FIA Business School. Since 2018, he has worked in the photovoltaic sector, has experience in credit and collection risk, payment methods and fraud prevention, financing operations, negotiations and organization management. She has worked at Amara NZero since the beginning of its photovoltaic operations - matrix Brazil, she was responsible for structuring the Financing sector, as well as for the creation and structuring of the Credit and Collection Department and is currently responsible for the creation and consolidation of the Financial Products at Amara NZero.

3 Responses

  1. Good morning Amanda, exactly that, the client needs to know all this information as they often cannot access it, they need a professional who can help them.

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