USA wants to increase the share of solar source from 4% to 45% by 2050

The country's energy department announced a bold goal to significantly increase clean energy generation
Governo dos EUA quer aumentar a geração de energia solar de 4% para 45% até 2050
Investment in solar energy is part of President Biden's infrastructure package

MIAMI, FLORIDA. The United States Department of Energy (DOE) announced, this Wednesday (8), that it intends to increase the country's solar energy generation from the current 4% to 40% by 2035 and to 45% by 2050.

To achieve the audacious goal, the DOE announced a study called the Solar Futures Study, detailing the role of solar energy in the 'decarbonization' of energy generation in the US. The study shows how the implementation of policies for solar energy generation will be necessary in the coming years for the goal to be achieved.

The survey is the result of efforts made by President Joe Biden's administration to contribute to reducing gas emissions and investing in clean energy in the coming years.

“The study shows that solar energy, the cheapest source with great growth potential, can produce enough energy to supply 40% of American homes by 2035 and generate more than 1.5 million jobs in the installation process,” said the Secretary of Energy, Jennifer M. Granholm.

“To achieve this brilliant goal, we have to implement a massive amount of renewable energy and invest in consistent decarbonization policies, exactly what is established in the Infrastructure Plan presented by President Biden”, he states.

In 2020, the United States installed a record number of solar panels, with 15 GW – of the total 76 GW generated in the country, which today represents 4% of the energy generated. The study shows that, to achieve the goal set out in the president's plan, it will be necessary to quadruple the installation of these panels each year, in addition to making massive investments in clean energy generation policies.

Investment in solar energy is part of President Biden's infrastructure package, which foresees investments of around US$ 1.2 trillion and has investments in the construction of roads, bridges, airports and waterways, always complying with 'green policies' and with an eye on environmental preservation .

To see the study, click here.

Picture of Ana Paula Franco
Ana Paula Franco
Editor of the newspaper AchoUSA for seven years. Press officer at Castro Legal Group, in Pompano Beach (Florida). Between 2006 and 2012, she worked as a press officer for the Government of Minas Gerais. Correspondent of Canal Solar graduated from PUC Minas, with specialization in public policies from Fundação João Pinheiro. He has lived in Florida (USA) for eight years.

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