CCR Group will have 100% of operations supplied by renewables by the end of the year

Investment in solar plants, migration to Mercado Livre and purchase of renewable energy certificates make this commitment viable
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CCR Group highway powered by solar energy. Photo: CCR Group/Disclosure

O CCR Group informed that will have 100% of consumption of its concessions highways, airports and urban mobility supplied by renewable sources of electrical energy by the end of 2024. 

O movement represents the anticipation of the public commitment by one year assumed by the company of only use clean energy in its assets by 2025. 

To anticipate the goal, the CCR Group built a strategy in the energy area organized on three fronts: investments in solar plants in the model of G.D. (distributed generation), migration of your assets for the Mercado Livre de Energia and the acquisition of renewable energy certificates. 

One of the milestones of this strategy is the completion of works on two new solar energy projects using the DG model by CCR Rodovias.

The company invested around R$ 30 million in the implementation of a project in RodoAnel (SP) and in seven plants in Via Costeira, the concessionaire that manages BR-101 between the States of Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina. 

In total, 7,600 photovoltaic panels were installed on the sides of highways. With this, the Group's highway platform will double its installed solar generation capacity, increasing from 3.14 MWp to 7.34 MWp. 

The projects, which are in the connection phase with the electrical system, will avoid the emission of 447 tons of carbon dioxide per year, which is equivalent to planting 3,200 trees, and will generate savings of more than R$ 2 million per year. 

CCR Rodovias has also been working to adopt the subscription DG model to keep up with future growth in energy demand. On the urban mobility platform, the Santo Amaro station, on line 9 – Esmeralda, in São Paulo, also has a small 0.11 MWp plant in operation. 

Mercado Livre de Energia

The CCR Group reported that since 2022 it has adopted the practice of ensuring that all new energy contracts carried out in the Free Energy Market come from clean sources and certified as neutral in emissions. 

Train, subway and VLT operations, managed by CCR Mobilidade, are already in a free contracting environment, as is a significant portion of the demand for CCR Rodovias concessions. 

At the moment, the company is migrating the 15 airports that make up the South and Central blocks to the Free Energy Market, and the expectation is that this process will be completed by the beginning of the fourth quarter of this year. BH Airport, concessionaire of Confins airport (MG), has already carried out the migration. 

Energy certificates

In 2024, the CCR Group plans to acquire 330,000 renewable energy certificates to cover contracts in the free and captive markets. 

Last year, the company consumed 577.8 thousand MWh, which is equivalent to the demand of 240.7 thousand homes. Of this volume, urban mobility businesses represent 80% of the total; the airport assets, 12% and CCR Rodovias, 8%.

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Picture of Henrique Hein
Henry Hein
He worked at Correio Popular and Rádio Trianon. He has experience in podcast production, radio programs, interviews and reporting. Has been following the solar sector since 2020.

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